Mathematical precision
Unquestionable he be
Genuine the unvarnished truth
It’s his validity
Down to earth and candid
Hallmarked in a way
The whole truth and nothing but the truth
Plain speaking all the way
Unembroidered and ungarbled
Honest to god sincere
The facts are all he ever prints
Prophetic and clear
He holds accountability
His allegiance is his bond
He keeps his code of honour
His morality is fond
The higher ground and ethic
Julian holds dear
Always obligated
Engaging with his fear
A man of high integrity
His moral fibre high
His incorruptibility
Reaches to the sky
The fact that racketeerers
Ever Dare to say
Their villainy so obviously
Such bias runs away
With goodness and with rectitude
For Julian should be
On an island resting
Not in Belmarsh actually
Self centred are so many.
mercenaries, who
Call him out for being
Seraphic that’s my view
The wickedness around him
The political distaste
The lawmaking devilry
It’s them that must be faced