Everybody wakes up
When it’s proven what is going on
Red tractor and Avara foods
And Sainsbury’s too
When they
See the report from
VIVA’s undercover cameras
What the hell is happening
In this shit hole every day
They never see the light of day
Robots on the job
33000 birds are being tortured
And allowed to rob
The convenience of living.a life
Likely to be
Hours and hours of torture
And extended misery.
Red tractor has withdrawn the
Sign of approval which is good
Torturing and mayhem
It wasn’t what they should
Be doing to the turkeys
Crushing their necks with pliers
Causing excessive agony
What a bunch of liars
These farms are just a tragedy
And people couldn’t care
They buy their birds in the market place
Completely unaware
If it wasn’t for animal rights
Investigating here
Red tractor and the rest of them
Would be giving them the all clear
How many birds have sufferedAnd been sold
By Sainsbury’s who
Clearly didn’t investigate
To see what they do
It appears this dirty shit hole
Was causing misery
To all the birds as a matter of fact
So What their needs to be
Is the management imprisoned
The place shut down so we
Can see the extent of the problem
And why they were allowed to be
Operating like this
Getting away with a lot
33,000 victims
Farming has gone to pot
Despite the EU laws supposedly
Very high.standards let’s get out of there
And ensure that those who lie
Are caught and slung in to the slammer
Close them down and make
Systems that are worthy
For clearly these were fake