Alabaster and marble a chalky design
Coupled with cold winds where many souls dine
On other souls living and trying to hide
Camouflaged somewhere but they are denied
Their lives little Lemmings scurry about
Under the snow where their dreams are no doubt
Unable to see that out in the snow
Above their heads arctic foxes do know
Wonderful hearing denotes secret ways
And the fox takes a leap of faith
worthy of praise
Nose first he opens a pathways to where
The poor little Lemming find instant despair
Many would think that the wanderers might
take on the climate and try to invite
Themselves to the party the biggest around
But the others are geared up to cover the ground
The hare white as driven snow a ball of fluff
Behold the big freeze life here is tough
But the hares they are fast like the clappers they go
And can see without turning their heads
Dont you know
Scratching the snow looking for tender green
The pure white owl a torpedo so mean
As quiet as can be just a whisper in flight
And swallow prey whole not even one bite
SNOW Buntings come with their joyful refrain
Tne Willow Ptarmingan with much to gain
From its big feathered snow shoes makes walking a
All of gods creatures here try to employ
All sorts of staying power they have the way
Untiring and constant and really they say
NAture is extraordinary just how life flows
And they seem undiscouraged they seemingly chose
The great Northern Lights to break into the sky
The swish of the wind and the ice in the eye
And unwavering journey to exploit and chase
A constant demand for the lemmings to face
None are fAinthearted its brutal out here
The climate is warming so it would appear
Red foxes much bigger than the arctic white
Are coming further North and are at the height
Obstinate critters who clearly now stamp
Their incredible prowess as the new champ
A great state of wonder a shocked silence grows
An icy phenomenon the end of ones nose
Dribbled and frozen ones breath frozen too
Even ones eyes from the tears it is true
So many heroes out there each day
not just the Polar Bear walking his way
But all of gods creatures beautiful souls
Who chose the arctic tundra and its leading roles