
There he was upon the wall
Bloodied and alone
One of his legs was lacerated
Right down to the bone
Clearly he was suffering
Poor boy thats for sure
The remedy of love and care
No soul should ignore

Lots of children apparently
Had called the angels who
Realised a net would be
The best way and it was true
“Almond” he was feisty
Despite his laceration
Ran away immediately
Unsure of his salvation

They helped us catch him
And take him back to hospital
And where
The wound was clearly recent
We shaved away the hair
We sedated him
And stitched him up
so fortunate to have found
Him before infection spread
From the dirty ground

he wouldnt eat for quite a while
But gradually he felt
Safe with all the love around
Our lady angels dealt
Him time and care and love
And hope
And gradually he came
Around and began eating
He was clearly game

To try the food in his weakened state
with cuddles and with care
We have a lot of lady angels
Ready and they share
Kisses cuddles helping victims
Come back to the fold
Being lonely in the streets
Where tradesman just may scold
Run you off and chuck bricks at you
Life is rotten there
So to come against the angels
it takes time and lots of care

“Almond” got well slowly
And clearly had much joy
He ran about and loved his cuddles
He was a lovely boy
Senselessly abandoned
His head done in for sure
But brought back
To the real world
which would last for evermore

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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