CHINA sits on top of the
Worst animal torturing clan
They are throwbacks from the yesteryear
Apparently with a plan
With their terribly sick mentality
Taking the animal tribes to task
The tigers lions and jaguars
And the elephants that bask
In the african sunshine
And in India as well
The Chinese have their pickled
Warped brains implanted their from HELL
They abuse the beautiful specimens
The apex predators who
Were created to bring balance
To be architects who do
The designing of wild environments
And the chinese make it clear
Such leadership is integral
To the healing atmosphere
In Suriname the Jaguar
Is sought after no lie
They render the body by boiling it
It becomes a glue
And why
So then it can be made into a drink
Or perhaps a paste
And used in traditional medicine
The chinese have disgraced
Themselves throughout their history
With their murderous intent
And now they decimate the wild souls
And are making quite a dent
On rhino numbers on sharks fins
On elephant ivory and skin
On Tiger bones on lion bones
On pangolin scales their sin
Is vast and vile they are slaughtering
Through poachers now mainstream
The swim bladders of totoaba
Its one eternal scream
Transforming it into gels and cakes
Easily carried away
On commercial aircraft in luggage
So they say
Alongside pots of tiger balm
That tell tale smell that does
Confuse the sniffer dogs we hear
So there we have the buzz
Otorongo teeth and skins
Are big business
Along with glue
Its how it gets
Out of Suriname
Its what the chinese do
Big money changing hands
its happening we know
Returning chinese
Are prepared to smuggle it
And go
And therefore Jaguars are being killed
They really are a backward race of infidels
This TCM apparently instilled
Its in the old age groups
so much money changing hands
We know the extent is massive
Donkeys skins the lists forever growing
China represents the worlds despair
China is int9 mining into logging
The habitats diminishing by the day
The animals are losing out and suffering
And for this the poachers are getting their way
Killing off the animal tribes like crazy
Unless we make a stand they will all be
Gone our children will no longer see them
the wild will all be gone too