We had grown the tree
For about six years
It had lots of leaves
And the plum that appears
Were generally sweet
But it did crop a lot
Breaking some branches
And then some did rot
Ŵe noticed that wasps
Rather liked to be near
The plums as they ripened
And so it was clear
We had to be first
But this year we found
A little pink worm
Inside some on the ground
That was a nuisance
We thought any way
We kept trying those we thought
Would be okay
But it seemed that
The plum moth had
Been up to her tricks
Laying her eggs early on
So to fix
That we decided to chop
The tree through
We do not use chemicals
Like others do
To our maker we thought
And each one we tried
The plum moth
Was clearly crawling inside
So we talked about it
And decided this week
We would chop it all down
And a new tree we would seek
So we told the gardener
What he should do
He decided to try some
And eating a few
He came in to tell us
They were really sweet
Everyone that he tried
a delectable treat
So we started tasting
And surely so good
Each one we ate
Was as it should
Crispy and sweet
And a joy to be tried
So why the big change
With nothing applied
Could be our thoughts
Of Chopping it down
It got to the tree
And the tree went to town
To clear out those maggots
To come to our aid
And only have ripe sweet
Young plums on parade
It was all down to senses
Vibrations we feel
The tree got the message
And it did reveal
A power over pink worms
To rival them all
When a tree wants to grow somewhere
It makes the rule.
So we got a message to keep its roots clear
Feed it each spring
And let it hear
We really love to taste
All of its fruit
And we love the plum tree
For its branches do suit
Our little garden
And now we both know
Whatever it wants
In the great ebb and flow
We wont forget to
Prune gently and
Feed it in spring
For we do understand
Talk to your plants
Talk to your trees
Get close and comfortable
Give them a squeeze
Feed them in spring
Watch them all year
And say that you love it
When their blossoms appear.