This being
The case
The great human race
Can never keep pace
With the ROO
Being too far ahead
Its true lots are dead
But idealism won through
An undenible fact
So many react
Stubbornly brutishly
Have been soldiers and sailors
Forgers and slavery masters
And many did say
This strange kind of handsome
Marsupial soul
Stands on his two feet
Exerting control
Mobs of them everywhere
Running the roost
Enduring immortal
But giving a boost
To the right kind of energy
Which everyone saw
Was a confident beast
With a heart to adore
Invaders the lot of them
Seeking the Roo
None of them sure
Just What they could do
They ate grass
So probably would be a way
Of eating enough
At the end of the day
They were wild in profusion
And managed their life
No need for farming
They never knew strife
John Gore had the name
And lived up to it too
Murdering ROo’s
Thats what they all do
Turn them to blood
He didnt do tears
Those kind of men
Knew nothing of fears
All of the names
Mighty men from abroad
Came with their ships
With their Muskets and sword
Saw the great mobs
The blur in the sky
Full of true substance
And wondering why
Soldiers and sailors
And royalty they
Tried very hard
To blow Roo’s Way
Everyone looked at them
Just as a pest
Something to shoot at
But not to invest
Anytime any thought
Really any care
Clearly these mobs
were meant to be there
To be hunted and ravaged
And murdered at will
To be chased not to eat
for the spirit and to kill
Painters caught on pretty quickly
And they
got the roo’s on the canvas
Without much delay
Hunting scenes proferred
But fame spread as well
And the fine western gentlemen
Imported their hell
Darwin and keplell and trollope
All came
To pick up their muskets
And level their aim
The indigenous angels
Were targets for sure
And many were cut down
In the white mans war
A national symbol
A unique soul
Found its way almost everywhere
Taking the role
Of pestilence surely
A braggart at best
Who was up to the lot of them
And still could test
Not much has changed
Through the passage of time
Poets and painters
Have all made the climb
In prose and in oils
In ochres and paints
In dyes & botanical inks
Some now saints
Recording through history
On rocks and caves
On totemic hearts
And the dream time
Where braves
Where whole tribes have wandered
The bush and exclaimed
The value of wildness
And not being tamed
To this day to this age
Still the weak minded will
Of the meat trading fading
And the great farmer swill
Tried to change the ratio
Killing the wild
Introducing the farmed
Though without any style
Compassion the natural world
Had it in tonnes
But the new found communities
Fathers and sons
And the corporatocracy
Rulers by right
Who steal through the heavens
And charge for the light
Had little respect for their charges
As they
Abused them in droves
and then Sent them away
To be slaughtered and turned into
Meat for those who
liked blocking intestines
And using the loo
Not so often apparently
Their constipation their bloody piles
Were the talk of the nation
All that red meat and the hormones
As such
The roundup the pesticides using so much
The cruelty aspects were everywhere
And animals rights
Used their hearts And their care
Live exports were ovens where live
Souls were cooked
Shooters were given free reign
None were booked
Again the great mobs
Were the reason for drought
Not the millions of gallons of frack water
Of the artesian well and the pipes everywhere
Millions of gallons no live soul could share
Never not ever wasted for good
For the energy source
That nobody would
Truly indulge in what we all need
Is clean air and clean water
For us to succeed.
and we are allowing
the grey suits and Co
To openly steal from us
And watch it go
And its so rotten toxic
No animal can
no human not ever
Its all down the pan
But despite all these larcenists
And spivvs that abound
Its the Roo’s fault
Blame them shoot then any now found
Go with the meat trade
Abusive as hell
So much water they waste
For the flesh that they sell
Blame the Roo shoot the buggers
Give hand outs to man
Who are wasters of energy water and when
The shit hits the fan
And the farmers all scream
Its hand outs all round
And employ a team
Of shooters and murder our saintly Roo’s
Who were there before us and
Are truly good news
But nobody sees it
And nobody will
Get the adani coal mine chugging
And still
the reason for climate change
Watch it and see
The fracking give backing
And one day you’ll be
Enjoying the earthquakes
And the toxic air
With no water to drink
Just crates of despair
And do you know something
When it happens one day
You can turn to the aboriginie and say
Where is the water and where is the air
And Where are the Roo’s
Oh its all so unfair