The principle of evil
The amorality
When aimed at the immaculate
The creatures that were
The males seemed rather frightened
To cry
To let the world
Know their unworldly spirit
That the iniquitous had hurled
A dolphin cried
Its tears of woe
Such righteousness
The flagrant flow
Of murderous intent as he
Whose one wish was
Just to be free
Was a mans desire
Such selfishness
His false attire
Only cissies ever cry
As life ebbs
And ofcourse they die
The human trait
Is never show
Your weakness
But of course we know
Its from strength
That the ducts within the eye
Release their pearls
To satisfy
We value conscience
And atone
For the wicked
Are, always alone
They cannot cry
They have no soul
Only a devil that does control
And so the animal tribes
Can say
That at the end of every day
The wicked human
Has chosen to
Capture and kill
The lot of you
Each pod is vanquished
Torn to shreds
Vast arrays of secret beds
Dredged up the by catch
Broken too
And that dolphins cry
Ofcourse they do
Creation cries
Above all else
And decency
Are impregnable
But alas today
When a dolphin cries
Its too late
Some say
And perhaps it is
For the treachery
For the broken promises that be
Floating with all the plastic muck
With the PCB’s
as we pass more buck
that a dolphin cries
And the end is close
For all you guys