Maria Diekmann and Honey Bun

This prototype
A pine cone on legs
Walks like the dinosaur
Almost it begs
As it wanders through wild bush
At quite a few knots
The scaly mammal
And we see lots

Of them being slaughtered
Apparently they
Have scales made of keratin
And so some say
The chinese tradional medicine brigade
That the scales can cure cancer
On their shoulder laid

Each one its own blueprint
A genuine soul
With a great sweeping tongue
It is in control
Eating ants and as many
Insects as it can find
Incredibly mobile
With a most unique mind

One lady Maria
DIekmann has found
That their fascination
Down on the ground
One such sweet animal
She calls honey bun
One that she rescued
And clearly has spun

Her way into maria’s heart
For we can see
maria walks with her for
Hours and they be
Together in eminence
On a new high
In the African bush
Under a blue sky

Poachers unfortunately
Capture them they
Are sold onto buyers
And often they may
Be killed for their scales or their
Delicate meat
Which in China and Vietnam
Is the big treat

Critically endangered
One can see why
China and Thailand
And Vietnam all vie
For the spoils
What a tragedy
Of human unkind
Sick in so many ways
Thats what we find

They have their integrity
Being part of the whole
In total harmony
Each scaly soul
Brimming with secrecy
As we can see
Part of an order
Of being scott free

Been on this earth
Some 40 million years
Traversing the bush
Pathfinders in tears
Each little trail blazer
Insects and all
Since the beginning
Is one of a school

Of curious animals
Their eccentricity
Walking on two legs
Their originality
Sets them apart
And just from the sight
One can fall madly in love
With them Overnight

In Africa 4 species
In Asia too
Hunted to death
A factor thats true
In the briefest of periods
Its seems to me
They are being wiped out
And Soon we shall not see

In the hands of the gods
Tragically so
A few people trying to save them
We know
In China an actress
Angela b
Is making their plight known
And many more see

The effect of this madness
The legacy here
The performance of China
And the black marketeer
Like a rotten cancer
These traitors they spill
The blood of these beautiful creatures
Who will

If we dont put an end to the assassination
They will be gone
Thus our frustration
At seeing great hordes of scales
Seized everywhere
Limbless and legless
And caked in despair

We witness destruction
Of a species for sure
The karma of knowing
NAtural Law
The breaking of spirit
Subverting the flow
The eradication
That some of you know

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Extinction, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pangolin trade in exotic species. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Maria Diekmann and Honey Bun

  1. Connie Marcum Wong says:

    Dear Rex,
    I hope your wonderfully informative poem will bring attention to these beautiful creatures, and that people will donate to save them. Maria is a dedicated lady and is much admired for her attempts to save the pangolin. Her documentary on PBS was very inspiring and led me to donate. Thank you, Aloha, Connie

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