Just another joey

My mother was a miracle
Creation made her so
Her exactitude and candour
Her honour all who know
Her know just how outspoken
And Unembroidered and how true
She carried me she loved me
and did so her life through

The night sky loomed above us
The moon was big and round
The illusion of that moment
The mockery of sound
A light shone from a distance
A shot rang out and she
My mother, my dear mother
Lie dead it seemed to me

She had been my everything
She had saved my life
She had sacrificed herself
She had faced the strife
She had once been beaten up
that sometime before
I came into being
And was now part of her war

Was father going to save me?
Goodness knows where he
Was only my mother had stayed
to comfort me
I realised she was feeding
Under a Hunters moon
Giving me the sustenance
Keeping me in tune
Her love was unretractable
Emphatic through and through
She had been the target of a shooter
And his view
Was not one of a mother
With a joey in situ
just another carcass
on his truck
To butcher, who?

Had been entirely miraculous
In every single way
She had loved me and protected me
Every single day
Trained and taught and looked after me
She gave me so much
And I hadnt really told her
Being young and out of touch

And now she was gone forever
In the annals of her time
As his bullet powered into her
I in fact did climb
Deeper down into her pouch
A somewhat spineless soul
If only I had told her
About how much I loved her role

And now what was to become of me
Being carried to the light
He chopped my mothers tail off
And her feet off
In full sight
dragged me out
And stared at me
He had a kid in tow
And so he threw me at his kid
Do you want to watch it grow?

Look after it a pet for you
So that was how it was
One never knows what will happen next
And, really because
Our mothers are our saviours
Are our angels from above
Who are always the ones there for us
Giving us their love

Its important that we tell them
Never hurt them for they may
Be harbouring a sadness
That life can lift and play
Can bury in seclusion in pity and whats more
Can interpret in a wrongful way
Which can be for evermore

For me seeing my mother butchered
Out there on a truck
Where was my dear father
He didnt give a fuck
Why would I ever side with him
Like the shooter a worthless git
Incoherent and unaccountable
And nothing but a shit!

Adversity and suffering
And cows milk everyday
It didnt do me any good
Afflicted so to say
The misfortune of this meeting
A catastrophe in time
Calamitous and tragic
Being witness to the crime

Circumstances took me
Away from my mama
This lad was just a lad ofcourse
We all know what lads are
He kept me in a bakers sack
And I followed him about
Really I was skin and bone
My future Yes in doubt

But they could have bashed my head in
Or just let me go
Been breakfast for some eagle
Or an old Dingo
Whilst I have some life in me
Perhaps I ought to be
loving and caring and sharing
Like my mother drilled in me

To sons and daughters everywhere
Our mothers are our rock
They assume their responsibility
And then take every knock
They go through years of weariness
Overwork and strain
If the father buggered off
Such bickering disdain
Follows them and smothers them
In the challenges and woe
Bringing up a youngster
By oneself fighting to show

That an economic miracle
Over adversity
Can be won by a single parent
Despite despondency
Despite continual struggles
Misfortune and the rest
To hear a child say I love you
For a mother thats on test

Its a reward for the sweat and blood
For the tumult undergone
For the doom and gloom and pressure
That all came down upon
Those birthdays finding money
For presents and for things
When sickness struck or when just bad luck
Slammed into your wings

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Emotional Poems, Kangaroos. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Just another joey

  1. Maria Bradley says:

    An amazing poem for a special woman from an incredible poet

  2. Katherine says:

    Thank you Rex. This is just beautiful xx It made me so sad but in a healing way. You are just incredible the way you write… Maria is right. An amazing poet. Thank you so much my friend

    • Rex Tyler says:

      Katherine good you saw it i was t sure whether you had or not
      Sorry if it made you sad it wasnt meant to x

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