
Equal day and equal night
Equal dark and equal light
The Autumn Equinox is real
Excitedely we see the wheel
And it feels right
For all that light
Each leaf each bud
It does excite
The gaze does raise
that spark that hue
An intensity an overview

Each shimmering spangle
Sweeps each cloud
A scintillation to leave one proud
The vivid greens and berries red
The second harvest so many said
blushes of crimson on apples draw
A flaunting flare and a certain score

The bolder colours are everywhere
wisps of Autumn for all to share
Fluff and flutter wool of cotton
Fly away soon is forgotten
In the stillness of the morn
Under a grey sky
We yawn
A balancing of the energy
A stark impression of constancy

Birds come twitter wash and clean
Its that beautiful light
That creates a scene
Restores and generates harmony
And confronts the poet
In all of thee
Our stores are full
Thus we can share
The bounty
That is surely there

Wonderment and admiration
The sorcery of transformation
Incredible desserts and fayre
And amiration for all thats there
A time to reminisce with joy
A sweet narration to employ
The storyline the scenario
Is happening fast as well we know

Celebrations of harvest time
In what is a propitious climb
A gratification of things to come
A kaleidoscopic time for some
Withered and shrivelled a fruitless stage
Gaunt and bleak we watch the page
Turn as Autumn begins to draw
Down on the heat we shared before

Enduring and constant
The ever turning
Wheel of life forever yearning
In perpetuity on and on
For ever and ever
As some may don
the wintriness of dark
The chain
of change
Its coming around again.

23rd September 2023

and the thrill of each moment we share together

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Mabon

  1. veronica says:

    Happy Alban Elfed to you, Rex xxx

  2. Rex Tyler says:

    Thankyou Veronica the very same to you and thanks for coming to the blog


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