The majestic giants
The baleen whales
The hump back so to say
That lived in the North Pacific
And spent their time away
Travelling for miles and miles
On small fish and krill
Really a gigantic beast
That some humans loved to kill
And just for the sake of it
Was a ghastly thing to do
A terrible waste of creation
Of the miracle so true
For centuries they have plied the seas
Through historicity
Melting into waves and currents
With authenticity
The communists had allocated
Numbers in their trade
And whales were part of fishing numbers
Clearly they were laid
Down not for consumption
For once the blubber was got
The rest of the whales was thrown overboard
And just allowed to rot
Imagine the waste to their kingdom
Imagine the awesome pain
Families of whales were slaughtered
For very little gain
Russian ships were secretive
And pretended that science was king
When actually they were killing whales
Which has the familiar ring
Of what it is the japanese were doing
For a while painting research upon their boats
Lying through their front teeth like the Russians
Murdering scum clearly after votes
Bonuses were paid for the slaughters
Thats the measure of this waste of soul
And all this happening really in great secret
With the Russian whalers most out of control
Some 50,’000 whales were murdered rapidly
The biggest casualties list just anywhere
Families were wiped out mothers and babies
Leading to a cacophony of despair
A film is being made right at this moment
The secret whales” a story for to see
A senseless crime against the whaling nation
The fastest decimation actually.
For decades the whales have been hunted. For many they were killed for survival of the people of the planet who live at some of the coldest places on earth. The whales that are killed in this time is just greed, bottom line. We must come together to end the killings of these magnificent beings. Research… the Japanese are not fooling anyone,there killing just to say we do not follow the ocean rules!!! Please support saving the whales.
Thankyou Renay for visiting my blog and leaving your comments I so appreciate those because they are my candy to consume forever