
The wildness personifies
Nature’s true meaning
The immortal Atlantic
Its battle supreme
Ireland stands strong
Holding back the great giant
Its cliffs rising purposefully
And they do seem

To Honour this emerald isle
And its elements
Thrown up in an undying spirit they be
The people are bursting with stories
And jollity
Welcoming artists and poets
To free

Themselves of the taxes
that burden so many
The music of Ireland
is heartfelt and sound
The whiskey of Ireland
is very romantic
The great cliffs the shamrocks
Is where I be bound

Come step up and dance
with the fiddles a firing
A big bowl of stew
and some stout in your hand
Music is everywhere
singing has got to be
the greatest calling
one gets from the land

The mists surely happen
the Leprechaun’s too
The cliffs rise to heaven
where the spirit dew
Soaks into hearts
where the wildness performs
With the brush and the pen
and the myriad storms

Come hither to awaken
those irish who fly
Who knock back the poitin
with a glint in their eye
Dancing a jig
and panting a way
To the cliff tops at Moher
and the Atlantic spray

The puffins they waddle
The Shearwaters they
The sea birds that rise
And they fall with the spray
The giants those hump backs
Tail flipping they be
Enjoying their play
With the dolphins all free

You can feel the energy
Its everywhere
Its springs from the ocean
Up into the air
Its in every backbone
Its in every heart
The life’s blood of Ireland
You feel from the start

Take in the green
Let the poets words flow
Its an island to love
With a love that doth grow
Original thought
And creative as hell
And an eccentricity
Not hard to sell

The music it gets to me
Down in my soul
Whether you are rowing
Or taking a stroll
On the cliffs looking over
The Atlantic who
is telling her stories
To people like you

Its an island of splendour
And wonderment too
Small by some standards
But honest and true
To itself with an aura
Of verdure within
And a Brimful of joy
Within its own skin

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Ireland

  1. Mary SUTCLIFFE says:

    Beautiful Rex! Reminds me of many I day I’ve danced and played there with faerykin! A land so full of magic!! xxx

  2. Rex tyler says:

    Ireland beloved green isle where the Atlantic shores do kiss the sky
    Thanks young Mary vouce of the angels x

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