The savagery, the hatred
The nausea one feels
Its so intense utter repugnance
And abhorrence that reveals
A streak of detestation
Of rancour deep inside
Utter animosity
Which will never be denied
What should have been endearment
Sadly instead we saw
Really how offensive
These humanoids of gore
Created their anathema
To innocence and pain
The loathing in their tantrum
For what was there to gain?
Really from Dakota’s energy
to stomp upon his soul
A vile display
A forbidden way
Such a vicious role
The malice the malignancy
And callousness so real
The ferocity of feeling
The outrageousness the deal
Sadistuc brital abusers
Who can never ever free
Themselves from dear Dakota’s
Everlasting energy
His agony and pleading
And with all,of our disdain
He is fretting but exalted
The blows how they did rain
Down on his poor body
He was broken he was torn
Taped up and forgotten
His last moments so forlorn
Anubis the great follower
Is now on the prowl
Their lives will be a misery
Each mishap will be foul
They might as well give up now
For the everlasting howl
Will follow them forever
For every lifetime they
Will be haunted by its memory
For my god they are going to pay
GGreat one Rex … thank you!!
That dear little soul a life lost a life wasted a life stolen by 2 vile specimens
Thanks for giving me the chance to remember him and record him and his last ditch effort to survive x