The Bell Beaker People
A resolute tribe
Brought bronze to britain
They loved to imbibe
The wild grapes the wine from them
Took on a joy
A magickal feeling
Which all did employ

NEolithic Farmers
Lived off the land
They were so close to Nature
And did understand
And appreciate earth sky
And rivers where they
Took respect to a form
That we don’t see today

AVebury great site
Where leys criss crossed and
Long ancient tracks
And great Yews
Then Fyfield Down
With its sarsens at source
Where those early people
Felt the true force

We can still see the workings
The circles of stone
The barrows and ditches
Yes it was known
By the druids and mystics
And magickal souls
Who lived out their lives
And took on their roles

When we visit Avebury
The enchantment we feel
Timelessness values
It does reveal
A science of constancy
Charged with their zeal
Ethereal forces
Yes the real deal

SILBURY HILL And circles before
The Bell Beaker People
Brought this new lore
Assisted the farmers
In working the stone
In positioning them
Then it was known

The meaning the magick
The great interaction
Erosion the weathering nature
Reaction and action
It stood them in good stead
The feminine spirit
Clearly it led

Lost realms still signify
Sentinels last
Rituals and sacredness
Clearly they cast
Revelatory theatre
The open air
Such revelations
Were just everywhere

AVebury and Stonehenge
Witnessed it all
The mark every prophecy
Epiphany’s call
On the wind inspiration
Devout their intent
A sky full of blue
For them heaven sent

And these great stones
And barrows and ditches and hills
Arose from the sod
And countered the spills
Clearly the psychics and mystics
Gave thought
For the earth was alive
Fertile and caught

Their water was pristine
As was their air
Their bodies were treated
To all that was there
And we now bear witness
To what they all knew
But with all our advances
We have lost it too

Many have turned to dust
And blown away
Dolmens and barrows
Though still they display
Great ingenuity
Beauty beyond
Imagination such spirit they donned

That we can still walk
On the sacredness where
The beaker and stone age
Took umbrage to share
Their knowledge together
Their skillful refrain
The circles where wisdom
So many could gain

Great solace derived from whatever
Whatever hardship
They felt they could gain
Great energy from them
As we all now know
Who practice our rituals
And feel that we grow

Wiser and happier
Yearning to be
Back with our ancestors
Who clearly walked free
With the gait of the freshness
The natural glow
Of the sky up above
And the sod down below

Inspired by thinking back to those Neolithic times

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to AVEBURY

  1. veronica says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Rex says:

    Glad you liked it x

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