Will in the face of many obstacles

A singular mind
Ungrudgingly so
Who on his own initiative
Thought he could grow
A forest
Where there was no forest
For he
Knew the power and the need
Of the growing tree

Majuli the biggest river island
The world
Has ever seen
Apparently hurled into being
A while ago
And every year
The great Bramaputra’s wild wild spear
Slices great chunks out of this paradise
This beautiful island
Where the people grow rice

Since 1917 half the island is gone
It has been washed away
And houses upon the banks all were
Washed away nothing is left
And within 20 years we could all be bereft

Of this absolute paradise
If nothings done
INDIA needs to wake up
See the sun
realise what a beautiful
Idyll thats here
And invest some money
to make it APPear

One jadav payeng known as the
FOrest man
has invested so much
It was his life plan
to plant trees each day since
And sees his own forest
Upon where the sun likes to shine

Beautiful greenery lush verdant land
115 Elephants stand
Tigers and Rhino and vultures and Deer
All find their place in his forest of cheer

He comes every day without fail for he knows
The extent of the problem that the river does pose
He loves the island and surely he would
For all that he has done there is so very good

A self imposed work schedule
And he is not rich and has to pay
A lot just to get there and do what he does
And the finished example it really does buzz

With emotional output the animals there
Clearly are loving it they are aware
Of tbis man and his journey and willingness to
Plant out his forest and to continue

The great ochre sandbanks first line defence
And the mighty river clearly is tense
Washing away so much land every year
INDIA wake up now please can you hear

A heitage site it needs to be called
All of this beauty needs to be over hauled
The forest man proves what one man can do
His staying poaer obvious and he is true

To himself to his forest to the animals who
Come its their life afterall and when we view
The extent of his efforts we have to exclaim
That he is a saint and bis heart should inflame

All of those others who live there
For they
can all make that difference
Save the island today
Put their backs into what is a glorious place
With wildness and sharing and caring at base

Planting coconut palms would be an idea
They stop soil erosion and their oil it’s not dear
They Are healthy and sought after And therefore could
Help economically providing a case
For some cash injection now at a pace

Giving him prizes is not what he needs
Support him, create something for all his deeds
MAJULI is heaven and as such should be
Protected and cared for ,for an eternity

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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