The debacle that is Taiji
Its historicity
Compare it to the western lands
And the hypocrisy
The metaphysical outcome
Of all of this may be
A lack of understanding
And intrinsicality
The loss of face
To the Japanese
Is gravity immense
To the westerners
Whose slaughterhouses
Really are intense
But hidden in the fabric
People know they are there
But its all done behind closed doors
And many fail to share
TAiji however is a whaling port
From long ago
For them to slaughter in plain sight
Where everyone did know
Was customary
It happened
Even on the street
And now its done behind the tarps
Its a little more discreet
We kill our cows and sheep and pigs
And lambs and their blood does flow
It really is disaster for them
As most vegans know
Taiji is killing dolphins
Those more audacious souls
Who leap into our psyche
And are killed off by the trolls
Vegans are in both camps
Outside abattoirs
And as guardians around the cove
Of death we have the stars
One such soul is Jessie
Sea Shepherd’s infamous crew
The pirates who chase whalers
A lass who is the captain
Of cove guardians everywhere
She gets in her kayak
And paddles she’s Aware
It does get up the security’s nose
To see her in the sea
Doing live feeds to the world
And, back to blighty
She left Japan in September
To go the Faroes Isles
Where she was charged with a misdemeanour
Despite all her denials
Going back to Japan to carry on
The dolphin fight
They stopped her entering
Sadly, which I guess was their right
She is now in a holding room
Waiting now to see
Whether they decide to let her
Return to Taiji
And carry on the live feeds
Which embarrass them a lot
Loss of face for the eastern people
Really it is what
Upsets them it gets to them
It really does unseat
“East is east and west is west
And neither the two shall meet”
Head on upon this battle ground
Of who is right and wrong
They kill whales and dolphins
And we also belong
To the killers of ‘many animals
The cows the pigs the sheep
The rabbits and all sorts of fish
We sow and yes we reap
They cannot get it in their heads
They they are doing wrong
Whilst we are also killing
Animals that do belong
In life were they created
Lesser souls than those
Dolphins in the water
Which is why we come to blows
I have not got an answer
Save to say the only way
We can ever close the gap
Is be vegan and let that play
Actually into the argument
Of why we should try and save
The animals of the land and sea
For our future is now grave
Sea shepherd are the masters
The mariners of old
They are all vegan warriors
And command respect I am told
On that idea of showing
The japanese the way
Go back to Zen and the ancients
As a way to save the day
Live feeds should be conducted outside
Slaughterhouses here
Try to shame purveyors
And make it very clear
I fail to see how we can
Get on our high horse and be
Able to shame a race living by the sea
JEssie comes from Brighton
Where fish restaurants abound
We really have to try to understand
And try to sound
Out the possiblities
Of toasting the divine
And changing how we go about this
Now right down the line
Clearly by raising hackles
And shaming people we
Will not stop them killing
But the opportunity
Of saying we must minimise
These killings everywhere
Might work if we can prove to them
That its because we care
That we were wrong and are attempting
To compromise and try
Not just pointing fingers
And shaming which is why
Anger is so evident
In Japan and we
despite live feeds and rancour
Achieve so little in Taiji
My heart goes out to Jessie
Its my hope that she will be
Allowed the space finally to get back
To Taiji
But if she feels that she can carry on
this inglorious fight
And expect the japanese to stop
Well it will not work al’right
I commend her for her courage
But ask her if she feels
The need to push the vegan thing
And see if that reveals
A possibly softer attitude
Which shines a brighter light
On why we all should think
about all the animals and their plight
I dont expecr this poem to meet with general agreement but I still feel knowing the east as I do it would be fairer if we adopted this idea over just shaming and blaming