What are the priorities
At the IWC
The ocean that abounds with life
Are apparently
Under risk of acidification
Of pollution out of control
And of the killing fields
Proving yields
To those now lacking soul
I say this really from my heart
For events are taking out
Huge amounts of wildlife
Thats what its all about
Commercial whaling
And Science,and profits all the way
Tradition culture and such contempt
And making many pay
A price that is just too expensive
It seems the want of man
To destroy all life within the seas
As quickly as he can
Presumption of a need
Not historicity
A vacuum for the truer thought
And just no amnesty
For the great whales and all
All do have their place
And were not created simply
For the japanese to chase
To send explosive harpoons into
Or create a banging sphere
And drive them struggling into port
To be slaughtered in such fear
Apparently there is an absence
Of good sense in the minds
Of those countries intending
To just pull down the blinds
To just go on at killing
And consuming day and night
Or encouraging people to aquaria
Their punters to delight
This is arrogant persuasion
Based on an attitude
Thats altogther out of touch
With how its really viewed
With their potentiality
Their lifes blood and their soul
The endowment that they offer
And what is their special role
This miracle we look upon
Was not created for
Torture or for killing
Of dispaying in the raw
They are, advanced beings
In their ocean of despair
Imagine what we have made it
For it is us to be aware
JApan has ZEN its sanctuary
A system of belief
With all its many stages
Designed to bring relief
And profound contemplation
But sadly what I see
Is a lack of a salvation
And too much bigotry
Money is the religion
It clouds the hunters mind
Who makes a hell on earth for us
Whose eyes sadly are blind
To what is all creation
The GAIA of each day
The teachings of the masters
Are lost in Taiji bay
Where devils appear present
Where darkness takes a hold
Where such infernal losses
Are under the tarps rolled
Out across that terror cove
Where no god wants to be
As angels are pithed and shudder
And bleed out terribly
A lot of pointing fingers
And vitriol around
Emotions do reach fever point
The chastity of sound
The squeamish have to look away
The warriors of sin
Obliterate the miracles
And put it down to spin
Where is that self torture
Why the gluttony
The rapacious belly gods
Stealing from the sea
Living loving caring souls
Whose need is clearly there
But who are trapped and then destroyed
In explosions of despair
The intemperance of being
Indulging in the drive
To wallow in the butchering
The debauchery to strive
Into the unspiritual
The carnal lust abroad
Back to commercial whaling
That the planet cannot afford
Abstinence is holy
Atonement is the need
We all must now indeminify
Those who would succeed
With carrying on the rampage
And trying extra hard
To gather friends around them
So as to increase the guard
To contine with excuses
Be traitors to the cause
Have no remorse for the innocent
And no guilt to let you pause
To not have regrets for killing
For offending those who feel
The need to be more virtuous
To be more wholly real
There is a state of wickedness
Of amorality
These great whales bodies seemingly
Are loaded actually
With really awful contaminants
Which are spewing from our bowels
Yet many are indifferent
And fail to hear the howls
Of those who cast protection
Really out of care
Not only for the victims
But those who want to share
The steaks and cutlets they become
Tradition tells them so
But the unreliablilty
And venality does grow
Toxic waste they basically
Have become their tissues cost
But loss of face is an asian trait
Where the westerners have lost
They talk so much of murder
When they have the abattoir
Secreted maybe in cities dark
Where terror gleams from far
Rascality is shared therefore
The domesticated tribe
Against what is the wild ones
That the Japanese imbibe
There are a lot of accusations
And a need to try
An maintain the equilibrium
On which so many rely
THe IWC is out there
Ineffectual actually
For there is much corruption
And I must say its scary
Really what is happening
As the japanese believe
That everyone is against them
So for themto acheive
They have to pay the banker
They have to seek and try
To strong arm smaller nations
Who really dont know why
All this fuss is made about
Creatures in the sea
And if they can get a promise
Of some reward then they can be
Taking up the japanese cause
And voting to say YES
We want commercial whaling
And wont settle for less
GRENADA and DOMINICA and other
Island states
Are ready to relinquish their philosophy
The fates
Of the great whales are not important
To independant souls
Who get a lot of kick backs
To enable them more goals
AUstralia sits upright
And tries to rule the roost
Tries to knock heads together
So as to get a boost
From countries voting essentially
To protect the whales and try
To eliminate commercial whaling
So less whales do die
But there is a strange anomaly
Which goes about its business
Helping Japan to say
TAIJI King of drive hunting
And Of the dolphins that abound
Of aquaria production
And the slaughtering thats found
Its way into perception
Now throughout the world
The drive hunts and the banging boats
The live threads that have hurled
The drama into living rooms
And studies everywhere
With a chance to add a commentary
And share all the despair
I sit myself so often
Be it very late at night
Entering a stage of terror
As pods of dolphins fight
The emotion and their indignation
That one truly feels
As mothers and babies are
Drawn into the cove of rotten deals
I have been a vegan for 47 years
I have fought with poetry
And lost my share of tears
Sickened by the outcome
Of the blood drained to the sea
Of what I see as remarkable
The magic of the minimum
All that blood and snot
Building to a crescendo
And its potency must have got
More powerful with each slaughter
For residues do stay
In the sands and in the water
And All around the bay
Producing negativity
More than one can bear
And the disresoectfulness
That all of them now share
We have no commercial whaling
So science takes sees a loop
There is no case law to talk about
Just a cloudy soup
Of resentment and of arrogance
And three nations on the prowl
JAPAN Norway and Iceland
That have thrown in the towel
They saw this great anomaly
This way to beat the law
Talk about the science and research
For evermore
And murder the quota
And eat it for they do
Commercial whaling by another name
And I am clueless too
The weakness of the IWC
Ans why they do allow
Corruption to be evident
And clearly it is now
And has been there for thirty tears
Or more and we can see
Though whale deaths have been brought down
Some would say substantially
We really need to get Japan
To realise they err
Their loss of face is at a pace
So they will not concur
For them the way they are judged
By some
Does get up their nose
When they know we are also not angels
It does come as a blow
Everyones killing animals
A vegan,nlike me
We are really up against it
In the minority
But at least we do get the respect
Of being what we say
We want them to take on board
And try to save the day
The sophistry is evident
Two faced people do
Point their fingers all the time
Its what people do
Fight for whales whilst eating ham
Or chicken night and day
Somehow they get around this
In their very selfish way
What is right and what is wrong
Who are we to say
But the killing of the ocean
Making the ocean pay
And all of the wild creatures
Who currently reside
In what is a human battlefield
Where trillions now have died
With slaughtering on a terrible scale
Which is happening every day
The drift net fishing the poaching
The factory ships that pay
No regard to nation states no regard at all
Shark finning nobody winning
And nobody hears the call
YEs we have Sea Shepherd
An enterprise thats tries
That put its muscle where its mouth is
And takes on the whaling guys
The wailing cries of cetaceans
As the harpoons bite and thrust
As the gaffs of countless poachers
Create their own disgust
The effluent the sewerage the oil slicks
And the rest
FUKUShima And CHENOBYL who reall tried their best
To soak the salination in radio active gore
Tnat is killing despite statistics
And the lying now galore
Man is his own worse enemy
And thesevmiracles we see
The great whales some are watching
A pastime of the free
Spirited, and debatable people who now dare
To use and not abuse the whales
So more of us can share
Their wonder and their beauty
To just be more aware
The slaughter of live animals
Was never meant to be
Never in a millikn years
Thats if you ask me
Flesh and blood and fat and gore
Should be minimised today
Everyone should now take heed
And reduce the flesh I say
The world would see aggression drop
And cancer rates would be
Sustainable and workable
And we all would feel more free
a final point I am making
That if the IWC
Nations should come together
And protect the sea
And allow SEA SHEPHERD access
Allow them to do their stuff
Strengthen them with commitment
For we all have seen enough
Stop this vile corruption
TELL JAPAN you cannot buy
Votes because you have the cash
Its wrong and those who lie
And quietly take your money
At your behest and say
They agree with whaling
ONLY because you pay
What does that do for their sanity
And their self respect
It leads to more corruption
When their people do elect
Them they want a ban on whaling
But of course lose the vote
Because officials are paid off
Something all must note
They are not your fairy godmother
They are evil through and through
And just by paying you money
You agree to be that too
They are the anathema
No benefactor would
Throw money at a dying WHALE
Even if he could
PAUL WATSON And all his marvellous Captains of all the SEA SHEPHERD vessels
Are saints of our time
They are brave intelligent souls who risk life snd health to strengthen our morality
They sail the seas and do the deeds and we must support them and care for them along with all their fabulous crew members
Thank You To Your soul
For sharing these words of gold
I am a sea shepherd cove guardian
Not ground zero ; I am the online warrior
Faxes and calls, sending letters
Facebook Twitter Google Instragram as I ,do The go getters
I love the ocean and all it’s magic from plankton to coral
Life can be great again Today Tommorow We must STOP all that is our undoing and maybe just maybe we Will get a DO-Over
Thank You Poet Your words TRUE & everso deep
It pains my soul daily and many a nights filled with loss of sleep
I believe the path Now ever So clear
The path to follow the ppposite Of Hate
It starts with the letter L & Say It now Rigjt out of the gate
Signed: Embarassed to be Human – killing torturing is not what we were meant to BE
DEar Peggy i was so touched by the film i watched Deon sent it to me
And it reached my core and beyond i hope i didnit justice SS are beyond smazing every single one of the crew the management the captains the lot are precious human souls and we must love wnd cherish them, all of them all of the time on those cold mornings and icy nights they are there doing their thing
For the whales and the shared environment.
I shall follow them where I can and write up their stories
Thanks for coming to my blog it is my heart beat it is my all
So thanks
I am with you all in spirit i feel broken hearted for the victims of this evil
And I will write and post my work to the far corners of this planet
To all the crew you are amazing
To all the cove guardians the pirates to all we love you