The Under Dog

The perception
Of enslaving any animal
For money as in racing them
A mindless and an uninventive
A wanting without caring
With their eyesh
Firmly on the money
That they are making
The industry of gambling
based on greed
To hold a basic thoughtlessness
For animals
An unphiliosophic reason
To succeed

Money is their fuel
It’s what it’s all about
Animals have to win
To stand a chance
Like anyone investing
For no profit
Really isn’t worth
A second glance

It’s curious the risks
That some will take though
Working outside the law
To realise
The indifference that they
Place on their investment
And really why it comes as
No surprise

It’s like an abbération
And a mindset
An inconsideration of the cause
Unobservant of the need
To think it though
Investing in the soul
Without a pause

When things just don’t go
Right they become so volatile
Distracted from the purpose
There in hand
Preoccupied with money
But rapidly disconcerted
They fail to understand

And rather than being kind
Yes and consistent
Investing in the health
And in the care
They add up all the credits
And the debits
And lose that mortal spark
To be aware

Attentiveness well it goes out
Of the window
A Conscience having scruples
Negligence does raise its
Ugly shadow
Carelessness and indifference
Kind of steers

The shallowness and off hand
Slapdash working
Becomes in fact the order
Of their day
A disregard and a casualness
To do as little as possible
If winning is not happening
Then the pay

Is suddenly reflected in some anger
There are no answers nothing to compare
If there is no profit in the venture
Then dilemma is the outcome
And to scare
The living day lights out
Of all and sundry
At this stage there is no reason
To go on
The animal has to just be done away
There is no love lost here
They just are gone

Judgement not a quality
Of bankers
Just a methodology
Of the simple mind
Are we winning are we making money
Or are we losing
Then this daily grind

Has to cease right or wrong
No matter
Money is the object in this case
Sentiment is banished from
The argument
The obsession is they have to
Win each race

Injuries can take them out for ages
They still have to be fed
And given care
Nobody does anything for nothing
In this world
Cut your losses
That’s what’s fair and square
Ignorance is rife
And so unconsciousness
Is like a great huge cloud
That swamps us all
And arrogance is dancing
With the punters In the hall

The animals are victims
Every single one
And darkness comes down on them
When the day is done
The maxim here is profit
Congenital deceit
So much criminality
It is hard to compete

The overheads are really high
The expectation too
Optimism disappears
Rapidly it’s true
Hopelessness and apathy
Soon gain entry to ones mind
Ill-served and disgruntled
And all that’s underlined

“Gas pedal” was a greyhound
Only 2 years old
Broke his leg and came in last
Still loyal no one would hold
A greyhound with a broken leg
Of course he had to go
Shot and killed
Nothing more to show

A sanctuary a veterinary
All money down the drain
This is how the arrogant live
It’s about what you can gain
Love will not come into it
Besides love never does
There is no meaning in their lives
For them the only buzz

Is seeing their animals romping home
And the prize money they get
Paying off the jockey
And paying off the vet
Living in the high life
Successful through and through
But when it starts to go down hill
What they have to do

Is cut their losses quickly
Put them out to grass
Down the pet food slaughterhouse
They would think you were an arse
If you put them in some sanctuary
And paid the bills each year
You wouldn’t see a profit
And therefore wouldn’t hear

The last of it from anyone
And that’s what drives them, they
Care nothing for the animals
Or anything else okay
There isn’t meaning in their lives
Their purdah and their pain
Is wrapped up in their insecurity
And it does drain

Out of them completely
And what you find they do
They kill themselves on drugs or booze
Frankly that’s my view
Ban this vile enslavement
Calling it a sport
Really it is profit driven
And Not a lot of thought
Goes into caring and sharing
And loving the animals who
Really are their living
When they are giving
What they do

As soon as they are beaten
That when they have to go
A few put out to pasture
No one wants to know
Some Might be kept as pets somewhere
The rest they take the heat
The horses Get the captive bolt
And are All turned into meat

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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