
The expectation that life brings
And the need to find a friend
The suspense of realisation
And hoping in the end
You are taken home to a warm place
A place that will be where
A puppy dog a bitch in fact
Will anticipate and share

Moments of great pleasure
The assumption clearly there
The infant primed by instinct
Unknowing of despair
Discovering and exploring
The uncertainty perhaps
The tendency for loving
That was always under wraps

Of mindlessness and anger
Of thoughtlessness and pain
What would a puppy know about
The thuggery of gain
The open eyes evaluation
Of a scenario
What is just off handed
The neglectful so and so
Who has a sick naïveté
And a darkness that does grow

That innocence precludes
Whatever darkly fuel
May influence a guardian
Who translates it into cruel
Whose mind is so unsound
With a softening of the brain
A mania of nonsense
Deranged in fact insane

A crackpot and a screwball
Most definitely a freak
A puppy after all
Is life at the peak
Affirming all thats good around
And realising she
Is undergoing a transformation
Toward iniquity

The fear in one so gentle
The treachery one feels
Entangled in the fury
The provocateur who reels
Off his criminality
Who misrepresents his all
Who is wicked and is shameful
The intentions of a fool

In pursuit of something
Irrelevant and wrong
He gives me lots of kicks and punches
Nothing does belong
I do try to avoid him
Hide away and hope
He just forgets I am with him
For it seems that he can’t cope

Not only with me but anything
He is a rotten nasty sod
A couple of times he has hurt me bad
I am closer to my God
ANubis I now chatter
To Anubis in my sleep
This man that is my master
He really makes me weep

He has a strange morbidity
He harms himself I see
He is always bleeding
He is toxic actually
All the time I am on edge
And what he is going to do
He goes out in his garage
And bangs away, it’s true

Who could not be frightened
What are his intentions to be
If I do try to escape
I haven’t found a key
To success in life I don’t know how
To get around outside
Can one easily just get food to eat
Or is that denied

But I am really apprehensive
When he comes back his tone
I feel I am in danger
Just being alone
I have that vulnerability
That precarious desire
I am helpless and unguarded
My future here seems dire

Tonight I got a real shock
He had a hammer in his hand
Where are you you blighter?
I could understand
He had a nail a long one
What I want to do
Is nail this into your fucking head
And out your eyeballs too

Well I went into spasm
His thrust was very strong
He also stank of slcohol
So I knew something was wrong
He held me really tightly
And he banged this nail in me
The pain was excruciating
And then he just threw me
In to a box and carried me
Out into the night
Tossed me on the seat with him
I was at the height of terror
I was shaking I was thinking I would die
I heard the motor running
Still really wondering why

He was breathing really heavily
And the car moved off real fast
The box that I was in fell forward
Really I aghast
At just how awfully angry he was
And I hadn’t done
Anything to upset him
But there was just no fun

In him he was repeating to himself
Some mantra he
Had to go to the forest and Fucking well bury me
The air was cold and the pace was rough
And my heart was beating so
As he stopped the car and lifted me out
And off with him I did go

Not far into the forest
He scooped a mound of leaves
And earth and put me on the ground
Nobody believes
The evil I have witnessed
But now was all alone
He left me in the forest
Dark, to whimper and to groan

I realised my end was near
I realised that I
Was speaking to Anubis
Just asking now why
Such a little baby needs
To suffer in this way
And not getting any answers
But just feeling the dismay

I closed my eyes really hoping
That this would be the end
I came here looking for someone
Who would be my friend
Someone I could love
And be loved by
But it was not to be
I have found a madman
Born of lunacy

Every so often I did Yelp
And someone with some worth
Heard me and with their hands
Rapidly did unearth
Anubis must have sent them
Angels of the light
I was taken to the RSPCA
So as to continue my fight

But there the light was obvious
The smell of drugs and pain
They looked at me they saw the nail
And they said life would be in vain
They took a big syringe
And stabbed it in my paw
Thats when the lights went out on me
And I was knocking on the door
Of the rainbow bridge
That old motel
In Heaven far away
I had come to earth
For love and care
Via the RSPCA

There are lunatics all over
Even the men in white
For me the human population
All of them are shite

They seem to lack affection
They are ugly and they stink
They are always eating animals
I think there is a link
The fridge was full of dead souls
Legs and paws and feet
I should have realised sooner
That I was just more meat

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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