JIangsu Zhejiang and Shan dong
Have a history I hear
Of using donkeys thick hide
As a medicine it’s clear
It’s been going on for ages
But the black donkey is rare
So other animals have been used
But whose properties didn’t share
The same remedial actIon
Nor the same curative power
And of course donkey husbandry
Not enough people knew how
To raise these types of animals
And so horses pigs and mules
Were often substituted
Which went against the rules
The smell was very awful
And people understood
Fakes were being used to treat
Their illness which wasn’t good
And so China started importing
From Africa I hear
From Niger and Bukino Faso
Where it did appear
Huge orders were being placed
And these African countries
And banned Chine from buying
and seemingly that’s true
China’s vast population
Use traditional medicine they
And e Jiao is the medicine
They want to use today
So donkeys have been slaughtered
To make this preparation
But Africa is fighting back
For there is no celebration
In those countries losing
All their donkeys To
a country simply killing them
To make some kind of glue
And now of course it comes to pass
This is what they do
Of course they eat the donkey meat
And use the hide there too
Westerners are up in arms
Forgetting that our cow
Is also eaten and her skin
Used here now any how
Vegans wouldn’t entertain
The practice that’s for sure
But pigs for drums cows for shoes
And bags and so much more
China though has other reasons
To use the donkey she
Has some wilful recipes
That there should never be
Here in the west salami’s
Can have donkey meat
But the dishes used in China
Are anything but discreet
HUO JIA lU live donkey
Eaten by diners who
Watch the flesh cut off of the body
As the donkey
Screams they chew
Or water donkeys
Similarly is abused
By pouring boiling water
On the area to be used
This on a living animal
So the torture is extreme
These are ancient recipes
And are rare now and would seem
To upset most of china
But donkey meat they eat
E Jiao is a by product
Which is also made into a sweet
Meat with nuts and raisins
And sold as GU YUAN GAO
East is east and west is west
Leaving each group asking how
The use of animals parts in medicines
Is under close scrutiny it’s banned in the UK for sure
And in parts of China already people are realising
Certain animals should not be used
But of course China has a vast population
And other eastern countries have too
It is up to western governments to ban
The use of pangolin snake elephants and donkeys
If they see fit again we need to keep the pressure up
To curtail the markets where we can
Cat and dog rat and so many other animals
Are being abused in this way too