For two years it’s been happening
Someone out there feels
The need to go on a rampage
Every so often steals
The lives of pet cats seemingly
With a machete what he does
Is cut off their heads their paws their tails
And supposedly get his buzz?
From luring them with chicken
And cutting them about
Somebody must have heard something
When they have been out
Brandishing a machete
In a London Street
Would hardly go unnoticed
And it never is discreet
But some 200 animals
Have met their death this way
Some have been badly wounded
But clearly all now pay
A heavy price for living
The police and the RSPCA
And SNARL are investigating
But really who can say
Keeping the cats in every day
And being on tenterhooks
Causes stress for everyone
And it really looks
Hopeless now to find whoever
The perpetrator is
Because there are few clues to go on
So they appear to be the biz
Chopping up domestic cats
Makes me think then who
Could easily come to terms with that
A slaughterman? they do
Slaughter animals all the time
Or a eastern cook maybe
Who might have come from Vietnam
Or China recently
Whoever else would be doing this
They really must be sick
Psychopathic clearly
How does someone tick
Holding down a normal job
And going out at night
Slaughtering the children’s pets
Whoever, it can’t be right
How the police have investigated
I havent seen the news
But just the other day another cat
Was attacked A bruise, and a cut
Too from a machete
And this cat got away
But clearly he is poorly
So It’s still happening today
Rabbits too and wild foxes
Apparently have been hurt
And left for dead or badly injured
Lying in the dirt
Someone must know what’s happening
In the absence of DNA
Perhaps the phantom attacker
Is an alien let’s say
Nothing on police records
Really who can say
But if this goes on much longer
He must think he is getting away
And there may be a spate of killings
And it all is so unfair
Someone out there is doing this
And it’s driving people spare
To lose a family member
Which a cat is in a way
Is terribly upsetting
To make an animal pay
Such a price is awful
And the family grieve a lot
It really is upsetting
So really it cannot
Be shelved for clearly out there
It will happen again
It might be a copy cat
Or someone whose insane
But whoever is now doing this
They really have to be
Caught and stopped for each cat that’s chopped
Is another tragedy