Leave us alone we do you no harm

The elusive and solitary Pangolin
they do not hurt anyone but life is thin
THe Nepalese want the scales which they wear
In amongst the myriad hair
That’s because they are supposed to bring
Good luck to the wearers, like anything
Wearing dead animal charms It is wrong
And on this earth those folk do not belong

It is on the red list and highly thought
poachers though clearly can’t be bought
Off of a market for out there today
They Can earn big bucks that’s what they say
Again it’s only keratin like our finger nails
It’s all that spin
A con in fact a market share
Say it cures cancer and stay unaware
Like the poor old Rhino’s no one hears
The scream as the poacher man appears

These nocturnal creatures harm no one
They live and die out of the sun
They roam at night eat ants and that’s all
They do no damage as a rule
Live in forests that’s all they do
Move very slowly so people who
imagine their flesh to really be
What they have heard a delicacy
Pay upwards of 200 dollars I hear
In Vietnam yes it’s clear
And in Hong Kong too they like To eat
pangolin yes pangolin meat

Extinction appears
Now to be
A fairly obvious guarantee
How to save this solitary soul
From the human predator out of control
Is apparently the hardest thing
For the rarer they are
the more money they bring

It’s all the black market
It’s all the rich sods
Who imagine that they
Are higher than gods
They control everyone
That’s how they feel
Scales horns bones skin
The market is real

They can always find someone
As desperate as hell
Or loaded with money
Who will want to sell
Con their sick victims
Into taking the lure
And abusing the innocent
If it will cure

We can only hope by telling as many people as possible that eventually we can get through to the idiots

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Pangolin trade in exotic species. Bookmark the permalink.

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