Children being taught to hunt

Sirens from the asylum
Mindless and ignorant they
Go along with what daddy says
It’s daddy all the way
This insult for a parent
It’s really child abuse
To put them through this evil
When both are so obtuse

Buying into camouflage and weaponry
They even have experienced life
And of course what its for
They Call it conservation but it’s evil all the way
Hunting is a scourge on earth
Where abusers seldom pay

It’s all about the rich
Who buy their licenses to kill
Canned hunting even trophy hunting
Oh they get a thrill
From cutting down an animal
Before it’s had a chance
To live a life which it was given
And it’s all done with a glance

Aim and pull a trigger
And the animals is dead
Or wounded and runs off a while
Maimed by balls of lead
Dies in absoluTe agony
So a child can say I shot
An elephant or a mountain lion
And it’s truly great that I have got

A stuffed
head or some antlers
And a freezer full of meat
I was taught to ambush Angels
For me that Feels so sweet
You say It’s contrary to nature
You say It’s evil through and through
But eating animals that you’ve killed
Is much better for you

And this is what the parents say
To little kids who they have borne away
They have lost their childhood and they be
Monsters like their dear daddy
This 12 year old who shot a giraffe
She feel supreme I have to laugh
She’s manipulated and a spoilt abuser
And Like her father a total loser

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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