How is it possible to be a dolphin
Out in a wilderness sea
Such an abundance of all that is good
It’s where all cetaceans should be
Miles upon miles of blue yonder
An abundance of food fresh and wild
It’s where creation had meant you to be
Instead you were plucked and defiled
Driven to TAIJI or somewhere
Selected to be trained and sold
To who ever places an order for you
Shipped over by air I am told
The stress of the journey is far far too much
But TAIJI believed you were there’s
To sell as a slave though incredibly brave
Catching you answered their prayers
It was yen in the bank and so to be frank
You were just merchandise they
Exchanged tHe contracts they didn’t care less
And off you went far far away
Into the big open prison
With the most stalwart guards in your face
Fed on frozen fish thawed out from some dish
Which too a wild soul is a disgrace
Thrown in a great pit of chlorine
Expected to do silly tricks
That’s how you earn your thawed frozen fish
That is how you get your fix
The interaction with those prison guards
They call themselves trainers they
Don’t have the true understanding
And they don’t have a clue what to say
To be tolerant that is our makeup
But humans are as complex as hell
Moody and broody and often get angry
You are forced to be in their cell
The audience pays expecting a show
And if you don’t perform well
You had better know
The fish will be less that’s how it will go
And we have to forgive and remain in the flow
In the ocean we never stop swimming
That’s how we are built tHats our thing
In these rotten tanks we just log around
Lethargically trying to bring
Some energy back into living
It’s so very boring to be
In a small concrete tank doing nothing
With nothing alive that is free
We get raked we get sore we get beaten
And often cannot understand
We each have our very soeciallanguage
And others were not in our band
When it happens they paint out the scarring
So tHe public don’t see how we pain
They really don’t show any pity
And it’s happens again and again
It’s all about money and tickets
It’s all about those Chinese toys
They give us all sorts of antibiotics
But we really can’t stand all the noise
Stereophonic loud music it deafens us
Each time it’s played
And we are expected to then do our tricks
That’s how Sea World do get paid
As for the killer whales they really suffer
All on their own what to do
All that chlorination its not Their
It plays havoc with their skin and that’s true
All Aqua parks should be shut down
And we taken back to the sea
Sea pens and tanks are so useless
We live in our toilet and be
Expected to eat there and work there
The stress levels really are high
Nothing at all alive in our tanks
If we could speak we would,ask why
No coral or sea plants nothing at all
No gravel no waves none at all
Just a big sterile tank d now to be frank
And we always must be On the ball
On the contrary we are more listless
Depressed about being down here
The smell of that chlorine it sickens us so
And all of the people spell fear
YEs we know you make so much money
Your great pleasure parks do you proud
We are just another novelty
Just a fish face In The crowd