Lammas at the roll rights 7/8/2016

Just before we reached the roll rights
In the road what we did see
Were two white pigs, escapees
From a farm it seemed to me
Apparently enjoying the freedom
Of the road
But clearly both in jeopardy
Unaware of the Highway Code

I got out and I talked to them
And suggested they go back
And actually they got the message
By then there was a stack
of cars
In both directions
Slowing to a crawl
The police were called
And the road was cleared
Clearly for one and all

Rollrights looked resplendent
In its patchwork quilts of gold
A beautiful blue sky and the bright sun
it did hold
The colours now of nature the leaves
Of every hue
The light was very special
As was of course the view

Down to Chipping Norton
Surrounded by the fields
The grains all being harvested
Clearly producing yields
And leaving brilliant golden spaces
Exciting every eye
With dotted dark green bushes
Underneath the bright blue sky

A lot of people picknicking
Families in the sun
Robing up the Druids
And visitors
All spun
Their different coloured robes around
Their Staffs preparing to
Be welcomed into the circle
As the Cotsworld Order do

Anyone can join us, it is open to all
Children animals anyone genuineness on call
Led in by our Arch Druid with the Druid band in tow
To form a circle inside the stones so the energy does flow
We all held hands we closed our eyes drifting tenderly
To a place of peace and muchness and to find some harmony
We Called for Peace and then the quarters were opened
Hail and farewell
Then the circle was split for the Lammas games
A spell
Of fun and true frivolity the bean bag in the tin
Welly whanging and a tug of war let it all begin
Mens tug of war ladies tug of war
A lot of energy
Expended in the moment
For all of us to see
The games master attended, and it all went to plan
Lots of participation from the moment it began

Then we had the winners given rosettes and then
Settled down to watch a dance
Gently flowing free
Geoff and Deana blessed the food and mead
And then we saw
Everyone was given some
Which is clearly for
The sharing, for the caring, for the loving
For the joy
For the enhancement and the togetherness
That these rituals do employ

The bard stepped up to speak an ode
Of Lammas Bringing in
the TTIP and Monsanto
And how the veil was now made thin
By the vilest of corporations
Exerting, their power
Clearly changing the seasons somewhat
More than some knew how

Then of course the speaking stick
Giving everyone a chance
To introduce themselves a while
A poem a song a dance
Claudia’s Astrology
Was meaningful And clear
Two and half more years to wait
With the lion to bring some cheer
Anything they wanted to
And everyone took heed
We read the Druids prayer together
And we all seemed to succeed

In getting something from it all
Closed the quarters and Ho Ho ho’d
We got a lot of sun today
As the genuine friendship flowed

There were visitors from Ohio
And also from New York
Lots of nice new faces
Who had come here for a walk
To take in all that energy
And there was a lot around
Even the moles had been giving it some
Welly underground

There is a great coming together
It just does synchronize
Every single sabatt
Underneath the skies
And today was no exception
As in the sky we saw
The sun and the moon both looking down
So Who could ask for more

We left the circle via the East
Under the watchful eye
Of the arch Druid and her officers
Whose staffs were held now high
Forming a bridge we gathered our thoughts
Said our goodbyes
Until the AUtumn Equinox
Mabon would realise
The dark and light in balance
AUtumn on its way
Our meet at every sabbat
Gives an order to each day

A brighter understanding
Of the seasons of each year
Why each celebration
And gradually it’s clear
It is an
ancient culture
It is what people do
In the farming communities
The blessings good and true

I hear as we made our way home
Three little pigs this time
Had escaped again they had brought a friend
So we end this little rhyme
With the pigs they were inquisitive
They were grunting noisily
One had tried to eat my shoes
They are made of hemp you see

Lammas and the sunshine
And the ancient energies
Brought out by the standing stones
These animals did seize
Their chance to enjoy freedom
To be part of the event
The moon the sun the golden fields
All of it was meant

Thanks to everyone who came
And made it all so special

Lammas had got them going

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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4 Responses to Lammas at the roll rights 7/8/2016

  1. Deana says:

    Lovely Rex as always thank you

  2. veronica says:

    Thank you again for an excellent record of the day. 🙂
    P.S. There were three pigs trotting along the lane when we left the Rollrights at 6.3o.They must have got loose again !

    • Rex Tyler says:

      Thank you Veronica it was a lovely day the games in fact everything were very special
      The Anericans were enjoying the ritual as we heard and wanted photographs afterwards
      The old lion head came in useful again always gets a laugh x

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