
So much to whet the appetite
To feel the buzz and glow
To see the works of solar
Its all there its on show
Water biomass and air
Sharing being more aware
Compost toilets off the grid
Working hard to lift the lid

on sustainability every hour
In all we do creating power
The energy to do things well
Being under the great spell
Of Nature’s working, the balanced way
From birth to death giving back each day
not waste but create abundant thought
Be guided by what you have been taught

The oceans clean and vibrant we
Lets give our all and Really see
It is the true wind in our sails
That propels each life
And goodwill hails
It does not pollute it will only be
A way to preserve

Low carbon living is the way
It’s a target To aim for every day
There is the technology and the power
Renewable energy by the hour
Future generations will
Be satisfied we didn’t spill
Our waste our filth and just not care
About the planet we all share

Fossils fuels were the dirty way
The nuclear option could never play
Into a natural scenario
It’s all short sighted we must not go
Down that road to iniquity
It cancels out bio diversity
It threatens existence with every turn
It is arrogance that does concern

Every caring sharing soul
Every thinking linking role
ZEro carbon Britain where Britain can be
Seen to share
And go out and love humanity
To graduate and surely know
Interacting with everyone
With every species under the sun

Thus this centre of alternative technology
Brings together brains that see
That care that love that know the score
Low energy construction and a whole lot more
This is positive thinking and a positive way
It creates well being and when that’s in play
Everything balances and remains true
and really and honestly that’s what we must do

They are pioneers and they truly do care
Look across the world And know such things are rare
It’s not brainwashing and the corporate way
It’s planning and fanning the wheels that will play
Into understanding that the future can be
About generation and constancy
Renewables matter look out to the sea
The sky to the mountains
And think generously

Get it together be tender and kind
Use every piece of your positive mind
Compassion and empathy walking the course
Upholding the spirit right from the source
Preserving habitats the unremitting desire
To work close to Nature producing that fire
that real energy and tonicity
That tempers the soul with authenticity

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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