Tony Blair

The internet had brought me
Friends from Iran and Iraq
But Blair was in a warring mode
And there was no way back
I had marched against the horror
Of invasion but we know
Now that he ignored us all
To start the bombing show

And it got TV coverage
We could watch it night and day
Our bombs reduced the opposition
Till they melted away
Millions died imagine that
Women and children gone
Men like me just slaughtered
Where they lived upon
The streets and in their houses
The bombs rained down and they
Were torn to pieces lost forever
All were made to pay

For the WMD’s that were never there
Death came vile and fast
Children’s broken bodies
In the streets were cast
Friends I had had on Facebook
Blown to kingdom come
And all done on a pack of lies
It did it left me numb

Regime change was what he wanted
Saddam Saddam Hussein
He was Mr Evil
Armed by us again
As for bush and Blair
Well they were saints
Of course
45 minutes another claim
Behold, the pale horse

IRaq had oil
And didn’t we know it
The so called upper hand
They were shipping out the oil
We couldn’t understand
The relics of antiquity
Were blown up we could see
And People just civilians
In sandy graves they be

And Blair was the man that did it
Against his party’s will 139 MPs said
We should not go and kill
IRaqi’s they abstained
But he
Was arrogant and did sell
And along with bush
They marched into the
Dusty streets of hell

Millions died for nothing
People like you and me
Babies born before they knew
That they were iRaqi
Over a million people
And terrible weapons used
Phosphorous and depleted uranium
Yes they were abused

The soldiers and the people
Terrible injuries
And awful deformed babies
No one can appease
Me or any mother
Who gave birth to them who
Saw the monsters they carried
As mothers are meant to do

Now the CHILCot enquiry
Is over and what it said
Is parliament were told a lie
And we all were led
Screaming Into battle
To find the WMD’s
On a bunch of rotten lies
Which were bound, to displease

I sit alone and ponder
On the children that are gone
Of course the British soldiers
That Blair and co did con
They gave their lives for nothing
And Blair has got to pay
Sorry was it sorry
When your lives are blown away

And think of all the animals
Not on any list
But they all died for nothing
The voiceless now not missed
Life was treated badly
The psychopaths were high
And lots of beautiful people
and all on a fucking lie

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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