The greatest cowards are the picadors
Who attack on horseback, they
Plunge their swords into the Bull
And the horses often pay
Clearly it is hazardous and menacing to see
For the horses are so vulnerable
To attack and can’t break free
They really are defenceless
Exposed to dreadful horns
To anger and to ambush
Just Unguarded pawns
They really do tempt providence
Unshielded and alone
A powder keg that’s lit and will
Explode as its been shown
This poor horse took its battering
And forced the poor soul down
The picador ran off for sure
Although he wore the crown
We saw he was no hero
As the horse was taking stick
As the Bulls horns hit the horses underside
The picture sick
Being gored repeatedly and bleeding out at will
Ruptured by the ugly horns
And boring head the spill
Of blood from all directions
The horse was challenged so
Got up and ran around the ring
An adrenaline rush on show
Bleeding from every orifice
Frantically in pain
The agony was obvious
He would not breathe again
Crashing right into the wall
That was the last we saw
The victim laying kicking
He had been in a war
This is what people pay to see
Cruelty like this
They come in with their ice creams
And their trumpets and their bliss
Is evident all seeing the blood lust everywhere
The Bulls the horses the cowards in flight
The genuine despair
This film has left me shaking
This film has left me cold
The horse had faced a barrage
And had been knocked down and rolled
The bull was on the offensive
And brought havoc to the scene
That horse was murdered terribly
To the extent it was obscene
THIS would have to be the WORST bloodlust “sport” that I have EVER seen, and should be outlawed immediately. It is barbaric, VERY cruel and incredibly inhumane!! It is disgusting, and you would have to ask why the f*ck do “people” pay to see THIS?!!! PSYCHOPATHS and SOCIOPATHS – that’s WHO!!!!
HOw right you are janine just completed
another poem this time one bull kills 100 horses it happened in 2007 in the Yucatan in Mexico.its where they changed up supposed tradition to offer cash prizes and it just proved how wrong they all were. Thanks for stopping by poems are sent by Twitter worldwide
To bull fighters and governments and embassies