Stalwart and strong
And seldom wrong
Stalking the river
So statuesque
Looking and waiting
And so demonstrating
The great need to be there
The hunt is now on
There in the rushes a rat
Seldom blushes
Wet with the river a giver of life
Aware of the factors
And all of life’s actors
Hiding and sliding
And feeling the strife
The river is bountiful
Rushing and crushing
And smashing and bashing and flashing away
The Heron is staring
And of course is wearing
Its very huge beak
In it’s most powerful way
Catches the rat the little rat fellow
Motionless Statue of Liberty she
Out of the rushes she thrusts her great sword
Into the rushes and kind of flushes
The rat out of hiding with quite some accord
held he is held in her beak struggling wildly
Can he escape these bold clutches of death
She soaks him in water
Softens his resolve whilst he is biting
And fighting for breath
For moments in time he is locked in expression
The suggestion he lives
Is on everyone’s mind
The Heron is adamant she wants some dinner
A rat’s vast adrenaline cloud
As his strength is now going
The tooing and froing drenched in the water
And lost to the world
She lifts up her head and swallows that rat guy
Lost in the gullet of death he is hurled
We watch as he wriggles his last gasping wiggles
To open that bill and to just get away
But soon he will drop in the pool of her stomach
Into her acid bath gone is the day
That he first saw the light and the green of the rushes
And swam in the freedom the river did hold
Now he is lost in the herons own river
And for her has become what Is dietary gold
Absolutely brilliant.truly got the gift.
Where has your group been all my Facebook life so far all of you in contact have been absolutely lovely, respect full and caring
Which all animal rights people should be but you lot certainly walk your talk and it’s really lovely to see
Thanks for coming to my blog x