18 islands in the North Atlantic

I know if something is bad then you
Don’t want it mentioned
And this is the feeling I hear
When you go to the Faroes
Dont mention the grind
For it won’t bring them feelings of cheer

18 rugged islands form this part of the world
Beautiful rugged and green
About 50,000 Faroese livingthere
And their whaling procedures obscene

GRIMUR KAMBAN was the first man
To venture onto these islands I’ve heard
Back in 825 he tried to survive
That’s how this whole thing occurred

And from that moment on
Fishing upon
these islands
Became the main thrust
Processed fish products and farming of course
And whaling that can only disgust

But don’t say a word to the islanders there
They are pissed off that anyone dare
To see them as retards and Inbreds
Soulless and so unaware

They all drive their cars to the beach
As you would
As the great whales are driven ashore
They leap into the surf with their knives at the ready
For murdering whales they adore

These live family units mothers with children
Are pounced on and cut up until
The dark North Atlantic is Crimson with gore
They are not butchers or surgeons
For sure
They are anyone who wants to murder
Innocent angels who fly
Through the seas in great pods belonging to no one
And there on the beaches they die

Imagine it hacked in to pieces
By anyone holding a blade
Mothers in front of their children
It’s just a big bloody parade
Of murdering scum making mayhem
Threatening wildlife abroad
These poor souls are riddled with contaminants
And slaughter here is their reward

Methyl mercury hangs in their kidneys
PCB’s too slow them down
Of course fire retardents and lead and the rest
Consuming their flesh today it will test
The immune systems totally
As they all know
But it’s down to the sea
With their knives they all go

SHeep there are some 70,000
Roaming the islands I hear
sea birds the puffin apparently
A delicacy too it is clear
If it moves and its wild they will eat it
So fishing accounts most of all
And tourism that’s the next big money earner
One that we can start to call

The shots as it stands they won’t listen
To reason for culturally
They have to get down on the beaches and murder
It’s what they all do and they be
Happy to slaughter whole families
And risk poisoning their families too
It’s all about culture and if we can’t see that
We are told stay away that’s the view

So what we can do is check labels
And if it comes from these fair isles
Leave it on the shelf don’t buy it
Leave it on their shelf all the piles
Left unsold they will not buy them
And the Faroes will soon realise
If they continue to murder the whales
If could end with their own demise

Then there’s the tourism angle
How could we go there to see
How could we not mention whaling
The great children wild as can be
Of course we could not so we must not
Go there and let’s tell all our friends
It’s the last place on earth
That we would want to go to
No tourists no income no worth

Then from those sheep woollen jumpers
More painful hours for those souls
If it says it was made in the Faroes
Don’t pick it up let their roles
End let them realise culture
And tradition might be their idea
But buyers are feeling fragmented
About supporting such acts
Every year

Let them live close to the arctic circle
Let them dwell in their summer mists there
Let them catch and eat Puffins
And climb their steep mountains
And drive pilot whales to despair
But don’t come the old acid with animal rights
Don’t expect us to bow down and say
We know you are murdering retards
So carry on if it’s your way

We have all seen enough of this wicked affair
Of the butchering ways we are very aware
Live on your island do you what you will
But those pilot whales the ones that you kill
Do not belong to you they are free as can be
Created to live wild and sweet in the sea
You choose to murder them that is your choice
But the Angels are out there and they have a voice

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whales and Sea Shepherd. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to 18 islands in the North Atlantic

  1. Meng Chong Lim says:

    For mankind has murdered enough…
    It’s time to let it go & repent…
    We have to search for our long lost humanity if we still regard ourselves as one human race…
    We have done enough damage to every species on this planet earth & brought about self-destruction upon ourselves…
    God made the stupid mistake choosing man as the guardian of this earth…
    We are in fact the worst terrorist organization the world has ever known!!!…
    It’s time to stop b4 it’s too late!!!…

  2. annie says:

    hong kong

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