Moss Landing Monteray
Whale watching excursions
The good ship Sanctuary
And assortment of beings
A lady skipper
Went out to the sea
And suddenly through the waves
Tall black fins scything
Flesh and blood lifting
The priority
A realness a vastness
Out there on the sea
A mutual attraction
Adverseness so relevant
A great grey whale
With its baby close in
Running the gauntlet
Taking a short cut
Over the canyon
A mountainous trail
A journey so far
Off to Antarctica
A weakened grey whale
Had just given birth
And it was discovered
Played out there before them
A drama of life and death
With so much worth
The beings were families
Mothers and daughters
Fathers and sons
All eager to see
But soon realising what was being enacted
Was a life and death struggle
Which really was key
Two pods of Orca’s were
Hunting these creatures
Adapting their strategy
Before the watchers eyes
They wanted the baby
They wanted the mother
For them it was really an amazing prize
The pods of Orca’s were extended families
Lots of young children
Raring to go
Being taught how to
Hunting and being
Mindful of consequence
Learning to flow
The whale with her baby
Knew of their danger
Survival essential
With tactics maybe
But the Orca’s were with it
And they were teaching
They were the denizens of the salt sea
A mountain was mother
Thirty tons possibly
Dwarfing the boat and the beings
The baby was big they grow
Like the clappers
Fed on mothers milk
And they weight many stone
The enormousness of what was
Frantically obvious
Would death play out here
How would it end
Clearly the Orcas were
After the baby
Working together hoping to send
The pain and the suffering
Through the great blubber
Now soaring before them
And hopeful she could
Not only save herself but her sweet baby
But from the boat watching
It didn’t look good
By now several boats were around
The debacle
Turmoil within and a frantic refrain
The noble were at it
The people were watching
Blood in the water
It became insane
Morbid the drama
Playing out solidly
A momentous occasion
Emphatically so
By this time the children
Were upset and crying
And some had stopped filming
As the drama did grow
It was unprecedented
Two pods of Orca’s
A grey whale and calf
Fighting these killer whales
An ensemble of majesty
Of wild wolves attacking
Of true solidarity
That seldom fails
Two hours had passed
There was blood in the water
Two sets of animals locked in a fight
Clearly to death with their children
Beside them
A thorough going over
It looked wrong but it was right
Survival and struggle
The strong and the weak
Methodical planning
Each sequel they saw
Tail lobbing drawing fresh air
All was there
Ascending and diving
All clearly aware
Time waits for no one
The clock clearly ticking
Soon it was three hours
And the struggle went on
Out numbered but huge size
Protecting her baby
The shock and the awe there
Was playing upon
The strength of the mother
An unconscionable period
The stress in her heart
Clearly all took its toll
But she was so durable
And clearly wanting
As were The Orca’s and their
Teaching role
Mire terrible thrashing
More absolute bashing
Internal injuries clearly were there
Sudden and violent the many collisions
The revulsion was clearly
Drawing despair
The first boat still watching
Decided to go home
So many children were upset and tired
It was open and shut now
The baby was crying
What could the mother do
Clearly hard wired
More blood in the water
More black fins a cutting
The waves and the froth
And the frenzy below
The impending disaster
Playing out before them
Foreshadowing everything
This great sad show
The power of the mighty
Against the great knowledge
The vigour the force the hardness
And the great stamina and all the stiffening
All were red blooded
And equally stressed
But it showed great violence
Outbursts and outbreaks
Such a commotion
Barbarity rule
Troublous and stirring
Molten and whirring
Clearly emotions were
Felt by them all
And there was a nearness
Reality calling
The pendulum swinging
The mother now weak
The fire and the spirit
Being so bombarded
And wanting to seek
Trying to move to shallower waters
Orca’s prefer deeper water
Of course
The mother was able to get close
To her baby
Fight off their challenge
Somehow to force
Close to 5 hours such a battle
Was out there
Long lived and surviving the great whale
Did turnHer life force was evident
She had saved her baby
There had been a shambles
Perhaps a sad tale
To weigh long in the minds
Of the mother and baby
Who sailed into water
Calmer and less
About 60 feet deep
This gave an advantage
And after the battle
And the terrible stress
They escaped they were safe
The Orca’s lost interest
The depth of the water had something to do
With the outcome which shows us
Against all expectation
A mother and baby was saved
It was true
They would hug closer in
and go off to the cold climes
Of course baleen whales
up against killers who
Have many sharp teeth
but despite that were stronger
Mass matters and clearly
this battle was true
They would sing all their way
To the great ice caps calling
Sending their light into darkness for sure
The Orca’s would no doubt
Have learned a great deal
And the next time their prey
Will perhaps be their meal