Leather bags

Handbags made of dead animals skin
Open them and see
Behind the exotic image
Beating hearts now be
It really is a picture
The intestines and the blood
Yes you get it on your hands
As it begins to flood

It gets to your emotions
Maybe stains your dress
You use its skin
But don’t see the sin
And perhaps you should confess

These were created mammals
With families just like you
They live to bring up their children
As possibly you lot do
And just how would you like it
Bags made out of the skin
Of your son or your daughter
Just to put our knick knacks in

If you believe your sanity
Is higher than those who
Had best go back to thinking
Thinking what you do
Who you pay to murder the innocent
Who care
Who were created not to be your bag
But in the wild to share

Life part of the eco system
With as much right to be
Alive and sharing what there is
Into infinity
That corporations muster and trap
And hunt until
These beloved spirits callously they kill

Then abuse and use their skins
To make into your bags
Your leather shoes
and coats and god knows
What else
If I could turn the screws
On you lot and the corporates
And the workers there I would
For they are a bunch of tossers
Not out for any good

Assassins of the wild life
All creatures great and small
Remembers the songs at assembly
The ones you sang at school

All souls bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All souls wise and wonderful
Someone created them all

But not for you to take advantage of
Not for you to participate in slaughter of

Thank you to peta giving the video to try to appeal
To the dumbed down arrogance that walks on two legs these days

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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