Co-existence actuality
Grounded we can say
A mother with 4 babies
In the brightest light of day
Melting in the sunlight
Finding ways to shade
Exploring in a tangle
An important aid
To growing up
And bonding
Its lovely to see
A mother with her
Little cubs
Playing joyfully
AfrIca has its problems
More so than others who
Haven’t got the trophy hunting
And thus its true
Wild Lions of course at risk now
The pressure it is on
Rich psychopaths are coming
They hunt and then they are gone
Trophies stuffed and shipped
To their ghoulish halls of fame
Rooms of stuffed dead animals
Its all the sicko’s game
For other ghouls to come and see
The ugliness of man
And natural families live in fear
And of course I am no fan
Of these vile infiltrators
Who throw their cash about
Attracting low life sympathisers
To the daily rout
So to see a lovely family
In peace, so to say
Warms my heart completely
And hopefully they will stay
Together showing joyfulness
And gaining knowledge for
Living in this great wild land
With constancy and whats more
Providing that real contrast
That naturalness that we
The visitors respect
From life which is being wild and free
Thanks for the TAG Shesh
Something simple for our family