Jetsum and the whale

Life in an ocean where grief
Comes to the unsuspecting
Hanging off of a reef
A whale a great body
Can tangle and be
Trapped in the nylon
Of monotony
Oil based extrusions
That cripple and tear
That knot up delivering
Spacial despair

One whale so exhausted
From trying to free
These long clinging strands
Of unconformity
Was just about hanging in their
Just afloat
Swam in a circle close to a boat

The humans had a knife
And three strong hearts and minds
They had a strong empathy
That sometimes kind of finds
Its way into good reasoning
How they just could try
Was to cut off the nylon
So perhaps he could fly

They chopped and they pulled
And they cleared as they feared
They tugged and they lugged
Feeling more and more cheered
The great beast was quiet
Just strong blasts of air
Fountains and rainbows
And being aware

3 men 6 hands 3o fingers and thumbs
Taut muscles and tears
Which just about sums
Up the intent for that was to free
The unfortunate whale
Trapped by nets in the sea

They had cohesion
And were tenaciously strong
This great incarnation
To perish was wrong
Jettisoned nylon ugly string
And the littering menace
Which it did bring

For over an hour
They laboured and they
Assembled their courage
To continue the way
Was open despite the great beast
By their side
They now couldn’t let him
Be so denied

A final cut and the great soul was free
Imagine from darkness
This great luminary
Its pathos its heartiness
And complete joy
As a sentient being
How could it employ

Itself to the task
Of rewarding those who
Had saved it from death
Who did what they did do
With the fervour and passion
And effusive heart
It would leap it would sweep
It would try to impart
Its joy now at being
Free to proclaim
To share its great pleasure
With its likely game

Photos and video’s surfaced
As we
Watch the true nature
And the great remedy
For the true cessation
Of the hunting of whales
For this wondrous soul
Every death now it pales
It tells man un kind
He has lost it and should
Not spill their blood
Again which would be good

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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