
Potten End was always a friend
To me at the farm and the orchard,I
Loved it I wouldn’t have changed it for the world
Which is now why
I leave behind great memories
Of the long grass and the fly
Of the mower that I barked at
And why I liked to lie

Those delicious cucumber slices
With celtic salt for tea
“Satos” we were the best of friends
And Dave was good to me
He a gentle giant
Who was friendly and I know
I am going to really miss him
Where ever I go

When Luca and Claudia sometimes came
Luca’s funny tones
Made me bark my head off
It grated in my bones
I know I liked too many treats
Though with my injections, I
Just had to be more careful
but everyone knew why

Everyone was aware
And helped me that was good for sure
When Rob whispered through his teeth
“Whassa”and whats more
I went around and chewed my bedding
Even Claudia’s knee
And got hold of a tea towel
And shook it violently

I really enjoyed the orchard
Where I went every day
It was where the grass grew very tall
Where I could hide away
Or snuggle up on the sofa
Next to Rob my friend
Especially when it was cold outside
I prayed it would never end

We had a lot of fun there
And I was sad to leave
Death comes to us all in fact
But what I did achieve
Was to have a friend called Wizard
And “Satos” and Dear Rob
And Claudia and Luca
And Dave yes I now sob

Bear Man and Delilah
Who shared their home with me
And riding in the dragon car
Another memory
So much was good in my life
So idyllic actually
But I am off now to the Rainbow Bridge
To meet Wizard who should be

Skulking around some corner
Ready to give me a start
I am going to miss you all
For you all are in my heart
I know Rob did his best for me
And I’m really grateful for
The time I had
With all of you
Of that I am very sure

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to “Presley”

  1. Claudia Ferri says:

    Thanks so much Rex for wtiting this sweet and sad poem for dear little Presley boy, also known as “Pressa”, he was a character known to many and loved by all..
    He will be sadly missed, rest in peace little Pressa, we all love you xxx

  2. Rex says:

    Its lovely to be able fo listen to him and write it into words
    That we can understand he expressed his love in canine terms
    Which reality proves are very touching as there are more than few tears
    In these few short sentences

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