EVIL shits
I am at my wits
These shits
Unsightliness is grim
They are ravaged and unseemly
So Clearly off the rim
Grisly gruesome guilty
Of crimes against us all
Trapping dolphins
Driving dolphins
Pithing dolphins
the powers to be
The god of gods
Lets cut their nets
And say
What you do in Taiji cove
For it
You are going to pay
What you threaten in the
Southern Ocean
clearly is a crime
Against mankind
And You are anything but kind
As most sane people find
The bloody corpses
Drenched in toxic substances
Its wrong
Its truly tasteless vulgarity
It has been all along
But now you are going
To be undignified and vile
To be blatant and barbaric
Using evil and using guile
And all this crap of culture
And tradition does no good
Who the hell do you think you are
That fabled Robin hood?
The hopelessness and despondency
To engender every day
Every single protestor here
Wants japan to pay
You are elementals
Scoffing your toxic brew
Capturing more dolphins
And training young ones too
Jump through the hoopsm
Live on dead fish
And be your bloody slaves
Whilst others of their family pods
Must perish in the waves
TAIJi taiji YOU sicken me