
From the ocean to a concrete tank
And its all done over night
From a breathing living wondrous space
Beaming with bright light
To a cramped dead lifeless pond of bricks
Where no live plants exist
And there you place an Orca
And of course insist

It stays there and it eats dead frozen fish
Thats often thrown
Out of a warmish bucket
Nothing like it had we known
And trainers so called human beings
Are going to teach you how
To do what you have always done
But to do it now

Not because it comes natural
But because they want you to
You have become their slave in fact
And whatever they want you do
And there is lots of screaming humans
Staring down at you
Waiting for your silly tricks
Some of which are new

Believe me its unbearable
And sometimes you will try
And bash them slash crush them
Don’t just ask me why
Because you get frustrated with them
Their arrogance it sucks
You were once a predator
Now its them that chucks

A ball or some rubber ring at you
And you are forced to try
And balance it or throw it back
Its like this its no lie
And sometimes you just don’t want to
And so you throw it back
And make sure that it hits somebody
With an awful whack

And they have to go to hospital
Maybe with a cut ear
Maybe a laceration
Maybe they just fear
What an orca can do to them
The healing rooms now know
If they are coming in from sea world
Theres an injury on show

Thats because we are not happy
Nothing about this plAce
Ever makes us happy
Its a big disgrace
The waters very smelly
And sometimes its too hot
The chlorine in the water
I tell you I do not

Like it when I slide up on the tiles
Also I do see them
All those children with their piles
Of shamu and chocolates wrappers
These spoilt kids have so much
Their parents don’t they see the ocean
Why are they so out of touch

When ever we get a chance these days
To bash a trainer we
Want to bloody well bash them
To try to make them see
We hate it here these horrid tanks
Are not where we should be
We need to claim our freedom
And get back to the sea

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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