Corporate greed well it seems to succeed
Profits, through the roof
They are not aloof
To amazing balance sheets
And pay no heed
To cruelty its about speed
Speed of killing
Make the birds grow fast
Their bodies unwilling
Their legs cannot hold them
No matter they be
Killed on the shackles
Most dreadfully
They live in their prison cells
For a few days
Its total torture
For only that pays
Then on the shackles
Stunned and away
Throats slit and heads pulled
Off, they can pay
Many miss stunning
Due to the speed
Of the operation
Remember its greed
Profit the keywords
So what! if they
Are alive when the heads are pulled
Off its okay!
The labouring robots called workers
They be
Desensitised by it, all, actually
They haven’t to think just be there and see
The absolute carnage
When they are handling live chickens they
Are just fucking careless
What can one say as the chickens wings are broken
Their legs broken too
Imagine that pain
But thats what they do
Despite being told about all this we hear
The management care not and that is clear
If anything it just get worse every day
Their animosity wont go away
Its a sort of hatred of chickens per se
A disaffection making them pay
For being alive even just a few days
Making them suffer their baneful malaise
If you eat chickens and many I am sure
Eat it most days how can you ignore
The loathsomeness and the unlovable way
Chickens are dispatched now every day
They think they have feelings like all of us do
So when we break their legs it hurts
It is true
when we pull their heads off it hurts
Its such pain
And what do we do
We do it again
And again we don’t care its a chicken thats all
Who cares if its painful that seems the school
Of thought around slaughter, its got to be done
So why not just make it a whole lot of fun
As a race we are low life sicko’s in fact
If we eat these poor chickens how would we react
All that adrenaline all those hormones
Antibiotics rotting our bones
And all of those sauces corporate crap
Gm and nano tech it helps to wrap
The profit up nicely for Tyson so they
Can make massive profits that rise by the day
We are malevolent beings with malignant souls
Raising the kill rate and the controls
Masses of chemicals put in their feed
And whereabouts does all of this lead
Masses of waste and our intestines full
Of maggots and parasites that sometimes spill
Out of our arses and into our pants
Hell is inside all of us we cant enhance
Our appearance with corporate make up if we
Put this kind of shit in our guts and it be
Stuck there for days in a great constipation
Of vile shuddering gump that bears no relation
To anything that any human should pass
This shouldn’t ever come out of your arse
Cancers are rising infections are too
And its no bloody wonder what corporates do
There is an ingratitude for creations gift
Already we are altering animals, lift
Your heads and open your eyes
Then yea just then you might realise
Chickens are getting a terrible time
They live in a cell the floor is just slime
They die in such agony wondering why
They ever came here really, just to die
Poor poor chicken boys my heart bleeds for them Rex, thanks for your words and yes theyre strong. GOOD JOB, people bloody well WAKE UP!!
Words seems out of place here in this shit hole
Of a life for those really sweet birds
If you have ever kept chickens each one knows its own name and will follow you and be friendly to you
you see that are making us all into their kind of robot
Tysons say they are appalled by the video and i have replied to the effect that i hope my poem helps them to see the light of the day
On the right hand side of this poem at the top it says tyson2 that is my reply after receiving a reply from tysons just keeping you updated just click there and the second poem will show