The iconic Koala and its fate

It was to be a secret
A pretty horrible one
Victoria in Australia
Do you know what they have done
This furry little darling
That was suffering a lot
right across Australia
Happy they are not

The logging firms are at it
Downing lots of trees
And that is where Koala’s live
That why they are on their knees
Scrambling in the litter
Trying to make ends meet
In Cape Otway in Victoria
They were in for such a treat

Around those parts the eucalyptus
Were stripped of all their leaves
A lot of stress was evident
Thats if one believes
The idiocy of man
Where Commercial implications
Kind of over ran

And so the precious government
Decided what to do
Secretly to kill them
Go and run them through
686 of them
Drought bush fires and death
Ill health and starvation
Not worthy of shared breath

Car strikes domestic dog attacks
The paper industry
Money in the pockets
Another mystery
There has been a 40 per cent
Fall in numbers right across the board
But Victoria thought it prudent
To offer that reward

Slaughter them it was easier
Its what governments do
All around the planet
The short straw And the view
Its easier to cull or murder them
Thats what people say
Just sign a piece of paper
And the problem goes away

Australia is feeling
That its life now ebbs away
The Roos the sweet koala
If A problem let them pay
Its easier under cover of a secret
Like this one
A nice lethal injection
Which is what they have done

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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