
With animals some reverse their ideology
For them the cage, the tank, the enclosures are
They are acceptable, but we imprison those
of us Who are the criminals
Their freedom we suppose

Is precious so we lock them up
That is what we do
But the animals are not criminals
So no justification to

Take Sea World its a corporation
And as such its world
Is about making a profit
In commerce it has hurled

Its vision let us call it
To educate and learn
About the wonderful Orca’s
And the Dolphins
Their concern

Rapidly to capture
To loss of freedom, they
Are wild they live in the ocean
And swim many miles each day

It isn’t an illusion
That the ocean’s bountiful space
Is an ever changing vista
One of beauty and one of grace

Life is so abundant
At every level they
Manifest great bounty
And with it they display

A realness and a quality
And an outwardness to see
And be with kindred spirits
Their authenticity

Wildness is a quality
Freedom is a state
To be locked up and preached to
Is something most would hate

To incorporate that in business
Where profit is the key
And to build a world around that
Is an illusion actually

It lacks true understanding
Its also lacks consent
The consequence is damaging
However well its meant

Controversy obviously will surface
And discord
Tunelessness and dissonance
Can never thus reward

Monotony apparent
Life in a tank will be
Lacking equilibrium
And reciprocity

The greatness of the ocean
The vastness and the scale
Far flying and far reaching
For every single whale

The incredible complexity
Transcending man’s desire
Its completely overwhelming
And on a level higher

Than any concrete tank
Can ever be whatever size
Whatever colour however deep
We have to realise

Life itself is stimulating
A kaleidoscope of thought
An all embracing spectacle
Where every soul is caught

Numerous encounters
Abundance everywhere
Myriads of plant life
Great throngs for all to share

An awareness of the miraculous
An inexhaustible array
Of life forms and of light itself
To give that eternal sway

Life cycles ever changing
The rhythm of the waves
All creations chemistry
A melting pot that saves

The adventure of each moment
The agenda of the now
That engages inspiration
Though who would question how

Becalmed and vegetating
Expressionless and numb
A sort of stagnant soup of their own making
And a hum
of mechanical contraption
An alien display
And being agitated
Almost everyday

Oceanus Triton Neptune
The great gods of the sea
This is no pond of herrings
Its where we were born to be

The Orca’s cry their eyes out
Being locked in concrete pools
And made to do the circus tricks
Designed by bloody fools

The vital spark the breath the soul
The vivacity we know
Compare that with a concrete tank
Where only death will show

The netherworld and Hades
The last gasp of the doomed
In a world of man made structure
Tragically entombed

The perspective of emotion
The resonance below
The ability to communicate
Within the watery flow

The intensity of light forms
The experience we see
Man is in his darkness
He is no luminary

We must get out of the idea
That containment is the way
Its wrong man is the criminal
Making the wild one pay

An imageless brain is nothing
Short of vacant in the face
Of true lucubration
Evolving from a place

Be free go free is how it was
Before the corporate grab
Subjugation doesn’t work
Such slavery is drab

Controlling and confining
Suppressing all the while
Trying to change their mentality
And their ever flowing style

Talking up affection
And the will to entertain
The cash cow does the business
Despite its infernal pain

And then of course its anguish
Its suffering its woe
Chewing on its bars we see it
Its an awful blow

The aqua parks are erroneously
Bent on moving cash
Its all about big profits
Everywhere they dash

About just screwing others
Even themselves as well
There is no time for anyone
Heaven is the new Hell

Written whilst looking after Deliah and Bearman
My best friends cats they liked it I hope you all do too

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Animal Rights, Elephants, Orangutan(Person of the forest), Orca's and Dolphins, Whales and Sea Shepherd, Zoo's. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Ideology

  1. Kimberly says:

    Beautiful and moving Rex never stop writing poetry /Kimberly

  2. Rex Tyler says:

    Thanks Kimberly you are an inspiration too my dear keep doing what you are doing and thanks for your message

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