No cape
Just utter arrogance
And this BULL saw through it all
Losing blood like crazy
Backed up against the wall
But not for a moment longer
Turns and once again
Lets them feel the agony
The torture and the pain
More arrogance protects him
The BULL comes back, for he
Is making every one of them
Feel what its like to be
Made to suffer badly
As entertainment reigns
Down on their commitment
For whatever gains
And again he turns, head down
Horns out
And smashes into those
Bodies covering each other
They hurt because they chose
To lie there and be beaten
For beaten they now are
And still the BULL is after them
To really wound and scar
Pay back time Hathor is clearly
Now on hand
This BULL is really hurting them
Karma makes a stand
There will be lots of bruises
There will be lots of pain
The bull turns, head down
Horns out
And runs into them again
Blood dripping from his spine and back
Congealing on his face
Head down horns out he is at it
Fighting at a pace
This bull is paying back a lot
Of debts that were over due
Lets hope more Bulls will stand their ground
And bloody well win through