Production of our food and of our goods
Now costs the earth
Water is regarded as necessity
It’s worth
To every living creature
It’s priceless to be sure
But the wastage in production
We just must not ignore
Friends of The Earth have studied this
And it just blows your mind
Take a pair of leather boots
Cattle wow they find
Need 14 tonnes of water
And large amounts of land
And an extra 10 tonnes in the tanning of them
Yes it’s hard to understand
Fracking that’s another giant
Of wastage of this resource
It’s an arrogance beyond the pale
As a matter of course
Millions of gallons are wasted
Polluted for all time
Just to get some shale gas
It truly is a crime
In Africa they are thirsty
Dying of thirst In fact
And we are party to wasting it
How should we react
Wake up and be counted
Realise the sin
Of man towards his family
As Excuses are wearing thin
The corporation moguls
Want bottled water sold
They want to pinch the profit
And turn it into gold
Make us pay for water
More so than we do now
And waste it and pollute it
As if it’s their cash cow
We have to be more sensible
Use the judgement that we hold
Not let these creeps destroy us
Be a little bold
Boycott Nestle who is leading the fight
To make us pay
Stand up for the earths miracles
Or lose them and then pay
Think long and hard of others
Of your children who will be
Thirstier than some of you
Try somehow to see
There is water it is on this earth
But wasting it is wrong
Usurping it for profit
It just does not belong
On this earth and at this time
We have to protect the source
We have to contain our arrogance
And not let them try to force
Us into accepting something
Which is madness if we think
Water we need water we need
Water just to drink