Goats and their extended families

Look at this group
What do you see
A picture of love
And such harmony
Such a sense of duty
Such conscience is there
Actually honour bound
Their lives to share

That is inescapable
It just feels so right
The truest affection
winsome and bright
Enter a farmer
Bucket in hand
And arse licking parasite
Who won’t understand

The laws of nature
He just cannot see
The mother enamoured
With her little baby
They are bewitched
In the spirit of love
It has rained down
From the heavens above

an adorable picture
It is just Divine
Heartfelt and honest
And Straight down the line
The farmer so called
Takes the babies away
He is most ungracious
A beast let me say

Not at all gentle
A scurrilous git
A mannerless fool
With a heart from the pit
Boorish and cavalier
Surly and gruff
The cries of the kids
He can’t get enough

He is just so unpleasant
As though he can’t hear
The tragedy playing out
And all the fear
The parents are anxious
Their magical state
Their love for their infants
Is so wholly great

This chill that they feel
Makes their blood just run cold
They tremble and shake
They just want to hold
Clearly admiring
Overwhelmingly so
Bewitched by their babies
And that they must go

Stolen for ever
Kidnapped for sure
A blankness prevails
Outside of their law
How Tom Dick or Harry’s
Can enter their world
And blacken it rapidly
They kind of hurled

Their hearts out expecting
Their family tree
To increase with this gift
Where they all hoped to be
That essential togetherness
Conquering all
A great celebration
A delightful call

Lost in a moment
The swagger the swank
Of this violent braggart
So mindfully frank
The babies appealing
Their angelic cries
Gut wrenching soul searching
Well that defies

All human character
How can some do
Such ugly work
And remain happy too
Your heart has to bleed
For the tragedy here
It’s so bloody obvious
And now the fear

There’s resentment before us
So incensed are they
To be present and stand there
As they are taken away
It is so forbidding
So blatant so sad
Ugly and snappish
Each little lad

Stolen and pushed in a bucket
He’d be gone in a flash
Their gift oh so rare
Their blessings so dashed
In those few seconds they
Were in love with their life
And it was taken away

They had been so grateful
And now we can see
The call on Nemesis
To somehow free
Their little kids
From the bucket of sin
From their imminent deaths
It was all wearing thin

In a matter of moments
The contempt and the scorn
Was rising and showing
For their new born
Who is to blame for this
Wretched ordeal
Why do we humans
Try to conceal

Our truest endeavour
To love and to see
It changes to what becomes
Such tragedy
We really are wicked
Our iniquity
At condoning such evil
We should not ever be

So ugly towards other earthlings
Who show
Their love and respect
When we don’t want to know
We don’t fucking care
About animals we
Think they were put here
Wild and all free

To be eaten and that is the reason
Why we
Let others torture them
Let others be
Monstrous towards them
Humane no more
We break their hearts
We shower them with gore

All of their innocence
We steal away
And we don’t shoulder guilt
We just let them pay
Look at this family
They now are in grief
Love turned to sadness
Hope and belief

Went out the window
As fast as it came
And man is the culprit
But shoulders no blame
That little soul
Will be eaten somewhere
Put on the Barbecue
A treat perhaps rare

For a human family
To gobble down fast
With perhaps some cold lager
And however aghast
The angels are hearing
The laughter and song
All know in their hearts
We so do not belong

In a world where there’s love
And where empathy flows
Where constant compassion
Obviously grows
Where the true wonderment
Enters us all
And with angels amongst us
Who answer the call

And no earthling suffers
Never again
Where all wars are banned
And where the insane
Learn to be caring
Learn to create
Heartfelt emotions
Wouldn’t it be great?

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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