How could we

The green soul that is Britain
Is at risk now from those who
Will make their fast bucks quicker

So What can we do?

The fracking pads are coming
The drills the pipe lines too
The holding ponds evaporating
Evil which they do

Our air is going to suffer
Along with health,yes yours
The water is going to suffer
And you will know the cause
The green belt will be crucified
The wildness of each town
Torn apart and broken
And in its fury, we shall drown

Our land so green and bounteous
Will be turned into a dark
Ripped apart place
Drills and lorries
They will leave their mark

Protestors will be out there
For some do know the score
As they see the countryside
Subject to fracking law

Being torn up piece meal
The wild life lost for sure
The badgers and the foxes
For them it is a war

Our parkland and our woodlands
Drilled under wait and see
And your house they will trespass
Then where will you be

In the same boat actually
And all the risk is yours
Nosebleeds throat bleeds heart bleeds
And just outside your door

Bloody great huge lorries
Tankers everywhere
Your children they will suffer
But you seem so unaware

So let’s wait until it happens
When carers have to be
Caring sharing but get no pay
Then all of you will see

Putting Cameron back into the hot seat
That idea
Was not as good as you might have thought
That will soon be clear

More children having nose bleeds
Methane in the air
Radiation drawn from deep down
And earthquakes too to share

Big energy
the Halliburton phenomena will be
Just outside your door friends
On your boundary

The clarion call of hunters
Chasing foxes who
Will be worn out and slaughtered
By the packs of hounds who do

Just that, and the badger culls
Will continue as we know
TB and the cattle men
And the risks are bound to grow

So remember where you put your cross
And don’t get cross with me
The countryside is up for grabs
And your garden possibly

You can wear your light blue tie
It makes no odds at all
When big energy knocks on your door
They break every rule

And when you have negative equity
That’s no one wants to buy
Then they come and steal your land
And of course you now know why

Five more years of mayhem
And castles in the air
The Tories have the upper hand
And the rest live in despair

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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