Live exports

A huge lake of bodies
A wretched lagoon
Thousands and thousands
Of Sheep
And quite soon

The heat and the voyage
And lack of real food
And water, will harm them
This is so crude

How can this continue
This is obscene
Australian Exporters are
Really mean
The voyage is terrible catastrophe
And when Bahrain rejects them
And they cannot get free
And Pakistan takes them
What is the bet
Of making Karachi
Will it be set

Fine to continue
This atrocity
This shameless journey
It should never be
So many lost in a voyage
Of great pain
Where wickedness rules
Though never again

Should these rules be broken
Should animals be
Shipped on long voyages
It’s insanity
It’s so cruel to do this
This sad oddity
The vile repetition

It’s just endless
And immensity
A timeline that stretches
I’ll-timed ill advised
Who dares understand
It’s, so unsuited
For sheep to be there
Under the sun
In the hottest of air

Clouds of black flies
Arrest and fight shy
What a catastrophe the temperature high
Obsessive and haunting
Ruggedly they
Look so deflated
And ready to pay

Australian Farmers what do they care
They have had their money
They may be aware
But out of sight out of mind really
That’s how it goes
Lifelessness beckons and how

The storm clouds had shaken
The turmoil was there
In the holds they were
Docked, they were shocked
They surged forward
Many were knocked
Frightened and sad
It was quite grim
As for the chance of new life
That was slim

Australian Exports
How can they be
Continued I mean to say
Immensity of anger and pity and selfish
Why does it happen again and again
Why do they undergo torment for they
Are truthfully suffering
Every day
A lagoon. Of bodies
Sweating in distress
And nobody any where
Seems to care less

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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