
I watched that little sentient soul
Led down to the beach
Clearly full of self belief
And, when they did reach
The spot where it was to happen
Laid the donkey down
Pouring kerosene over him
My god they went to town

Let’s analyse the situation
Try to anyway
4 men apparently having fun
About to have their way
With an animal
So innocent so caring so in touch
So pathetic and a working soul
Who must have worked so much

And now is left to this awful state
This awful dark scenario
How to please these imbeciles
They will set him alight
To watch him writhe in agony
In egregious pain watch him cry to the heavens
And Undergo such strain

What would make 4 people
3 engaged, in the act
1 bloody well filming it
How can we react
To what is utter horror
In the third degree
Being burnt as your killers
Laugh incessantly

Such disrespect of a sentient
Such humiliation there
This is just an outrage
And no one seems to care
How can this just ever be
posted on social media
For anyone to share
The slaughter of a donkey
In agonised despair

Is it lust are they turned on by it
Unpardonable and wrong
Wicked, such degeneration
How can this belong
In the world of human beings
Prepared to act as such
And sink into the bloody pit
And be totally out of touch

With any kind of reality
And be allowed to be
Back inside the world where people live
And work and see
They are clearly not of this world
Their bedlam is their place
They must be found and locked away
For they are a complete disgrace

Don’t they all have mothers
How can they walk this earth
Clearly their dire sinfulness
Shows us what they are worth
There can be no atonement
Not ever not at all
They are filthy rotten perverts
Who drive me up the wall

This debauchery such impurity
Thrill seeking as the are
It’s a sort of sexual murder
How they burn and scar
Infringing every law we ever
Wrote down that’s for sure
As for their retribution
Tie them to a door
And horse whip them
Then burn them
Let them know the pain
Let them feel what the donkey felt
Over and over again

The evil eye is on them
It will never leave their side
They are an anathema
There is no place to hide
All who see this murder
Can recognise their face
And commiserate with the sentient one
Not of the human race

What rigour what severity
Tough hardened and severe
Remorseless and relentless
Inflexible do you hear
Imagine just imagine
As the flames lick higher still
The pain would be immeasurable
For me it leaves a chill

This donkey feeling every kind
Of emotion
Let down by the mania of sin
Like blocks of bloody stone
And that’s no notion
No better than the shit inside a bin!

And all of us who have witnessed this
Vile burning
This donkey sacrificed by fire ordeal
Watching it writhe and scream out to the heavens
It’s abandonment it clearly was for real
It’s woe it’s total hopelessness
Prostrated on the ground
Feeling the flames lick higher
In it’s wretched mucus drowned

For me the writer of these words
My hands are shaking, I
Have to read and re read this
With tears in my eye
Feeling very nauseous
And defeated by it all
Drenched in all that sorrow
Going up the wall
And down the other fucking side
How can we explain
This excruciating ugliness
And the horror and disdain

Our hearts go out to this donkey
Led to the beach alone
He must have got wind of his fate
From the general tone
From the smell of kerosene
And the rabid state
He must have known the outcome
And the general trait

Animals are sentient
They understand a lot
They pick up all those feelings
The anger that he got
All the histrionics
They no doubt appear calm
Donkeys they are timid souls
But can turn around and kick
So this donkey boy bade farewell
To joy
And must have just felt sick

And perished in an inferno
His inferno for they did
Pour more kerosene on him
Really in a bid
To get rid of the evidence
Shameless devils they
Hopefully will go to hell
And stay there and just pay

And pay and pay!!!!!

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Donkey

  1. denise halbert says:

    I cried so much at the sight of this poor soul being tortured by the soulless barbarians

    • rex tyler says:

      i know denise so did i so did I to come to this world to work so hard and to be rewarded with this malevolent end is beyond thought

      to imagine its pain ……

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