A gig at Sea World not on your nellie

Who wants to play
At Sea World
A gig, it sickens me
It truly is unseemliness
An unfashionable place to be

There,supporting people
Who are really rather cruel
To the cetaceans taken from the ocean
And housed in a concrete pool

It’s not a nice scenario
The audience is misled
The orcas are unhappy
The dolphins too are led

Up the garden path
Away into the sun
Made to do their futile tricks
And we are told it’s all in fun

It’s very claustrophobic
Hair raising stuff in fact
It’s hopeless and its desperate
How does anyone react?

To being torn out of ones pod
And committed to a tank
Where nothing exists that’s living
And the water is so rank

Fed on dead fish, if their lucky
That’s about their lot
Want to play at Sea World
No thank you not a jot

Many bands have cancelled
Why support them why
It’s a place of tragedy
Where many captured die

Early and unhappily
To tricks and loneliness
To being depressed and sickly
And a lot of stress

Why see a band in sea World
Any one who plays
There is lacking understanding
There are so many ways

To get some entertainment
That watching orcas there
Being thoroughly tortured and living
With despair

Seems a really bad idea
And that’s the reason why
Bands are leaving them in droves
And honestly that’s no lie

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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