Stephen Harper from the same mould as all the others

Blood bubble cocktails
Add nursing milk to
The ice and the snow
All this on view
And for what
Is this slaughter about
Pray tell me
Sealskin boots
Saving fish stocks
It’s just infamy

For years it’s been happening
Men with great poles
And they have all lied
These babies created
To live on the ice floe
Beaten to a pulp
No one wants to go

There, it’s pure evil
And Harper can say
What he likes it’s all lies
At the end of the day
He talks about science
It isn’t humane
300’000 killed
By the insane

All aspects are regulated
Says he
Senseless and merciless
Look at each plea
Great big round eyes
Looking up at those who
Come to just murder them
Out of the blue

They cough up the blood
It’s a terrible sight
The ice turns to crimson
How can that be right
These are wee babies
Their mothers are there
Are we so unpitying
Why the despair

If Harpers so blind
What he ought do
Is imagine the seals that he sees
A clue
They are baby humans
Babies anyway
Watch as their beaten
Follow the spray
The cocktail of bubbles
Imagine the grief
Imagine the agony
The commander and chief

Talks up the science
Relates it to those
Vile slaughterhouses
He does I suppose
Justify murder on those grounds
But we
We who have hearts and minds
Of course we see

How very sick Canada is
And what for
The profit she makes
Arresting the gore
Selling the pelts
To the Turk far away
Who lives in Australia
so they do say

It’s the ugliest cruellest
Picture on earth
Slivers of blood
What were their worth
This is deplorable
This is so sad
And sealers are monsters
They are simply mad

For Harper to hide
Under Science’s coat
Such savagery and blood lust
And all that I wrote
It’s the vile persecution
Each atrocity
The fiendish of acts
It should never be

Sealers are wonderful workman
And they
Don’t just kill seals
Other species do pay
For what they are about
Blood thirsty fools
Look at their anger
There are no rules

Babies left dying
Choking on blood
Just stand and listen
That terrible thud
As their brains are smashed truthfully
All over the place
Murder most foul
Via the human race

So you can wear sealskin
And think you look right
So you can keep warm at the end of the night
You sicko you are not worthy to be
Called anything more than a monster
To me

It’s the rage and the fury
That sickens the soul
The utter vindictiveness
Being out of control
The victims so placid
So innocent they
Have bountiful hearts
At the end of the day
Indulgent and tolerant
Kindly and good
Unprecedented of course they should

As babies be astonished
Being wide eyed and lost
Dazzled by life
Dumbfounded and
And for what
So called fashion
Vulgarity blooms
Such impropriety
Big open tombs

Those human models
Who pay for such wares
Unsightly and hideous
Odious shares
Weeping and wailing
Blubbering so
Comfortless arse oles
As well we know

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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