A sunny day
A hint of winter
A powdery sky of blue
Behold the circle
Of flinty stones
Scalped out by age and dew
Amber lichens gather
Bird song fills the air
Fields of green
Bare witness
And such sweet flowers in
Their hair
The children grab their energy
Cast before in play
The Pagans feel the energy
It is a special day
Golden fan trees picked out
By the suns amazing power
Casting their shadows across
The circle
Knowing that each hour
Hail and welcome
Echoes spirits come and go
A cordial group of people
Seemingly do grow
Veronika the Arch Druid
From the Coltswold order smiles
She resplendent in the light
It’s as if the dials
All are turning favourably
And happiness is reborn
The speaking stick before us all
As each wake to the Dawn
Plaits and curls and dreadlocks
Hang drums and hearts proclaim
The amity the kindness
The cordial refrain
The fondness for the countryside
The affable all see
The Equinox all feel it
All feel the energy
The sharing of the sacred manna
The warming mead so sweet
The milk of human kindness
The wet grass beneath our feet
The moles have duly dugs their hills
Beneath us they now hide
Sharing their vast kingdom
Drawing it inside
The tolerance the tender
The generosity
The charitable the courteous
What is humanity
Enlightened and humanistic
The warmth from strangers who
Are drawn into the circle
To share an hour or two
The silence seems forever
Such solitude serene
The light is so abundant
We all know where we have been
The sanctity of the moment
The artless and the good
The constancy and the faithful
The brightness of the wood
That stretches far beyond us
Into a bright new Dawn
The great coming together
The purity that’s born
The child the lamb un spotted
Immaculate and pure
The soberness the abstinence
The sweetness of the cure
The ROll RIGHT stones
Such history the soldiers
By his side
The king behold his entrance
Oft it’s been denied
A witch out of her hiding place
Did cast the awesome spell
Imprisoning these fellows
Into a stony hell
Tis here we honour prophecy
The epiphany of light
Prophetic and inspirational
For where the witch did smite
These so call regal gentlemen
We stand together and
Share the fascination
Spreading right across the land